Cheesecake – a dish both tasty, and very useful, capable and to strengthen health, and just to support forces that is especially relevant in winter season. Cheesecakes are considered as an ideal breakfast.
In preparation of cheesecakes there is nothing difficult – even the beginning hostess will be able to have no trouble in doing them.
Simple cheesecakes
It is possible to try to make the most usual cheesecakes. Break one egg in capacity, stir, add 350 grams of cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons of flour. To mix everything and to stick together round flat cakes no more than 1.5 cm thick from the turned-out test. Roll in semolina, coarse flour. Fry on both sides on the warmed oil till golden color. Give hot with jam or sour cream.
As the option – can be made the same cheesecakes on couple. Something will turn out like lazy vareniki. Semi-ready cheesecakes are put in the double boiler where they hold until ready. It isn't simple to fry cheesecakes slightly more difficult, and to finish them in an oven until ready. Through a sieve to wipe 600 grams of cottage cheese, to add couple of eggs, a half-glass of flour, to salt and add sugar. Roll in the stuck together cheesecakes in flour and fry from two parties in a melted desi. Lay in a form for roasting and place in the oven warmed up to 200 wasps. Bake about 15 minutes. The most tasty cheesecakes turn out if to stew them in sour cream sauce. Make semi-finished products, as in the previous recipe. Fry till golden color and remove from a frying pan. In the same frying pan to dismiss two tablespoons of honey and four – sour creams, to add a half-glass of milk. To mix everything, to warm up on slow fire, not to bring to the boil. Cheesecakes should be stewed in this sauce under a cover, on average fire about five minutes. Give hot. Baked cheesecakes can be made and so. Make dough of two eggs, three tablespoons of sugar, four – torments, a teaspoon of vanilla sugar. Cottage cheese 400 grams are required. To mix everything, to add on a half-glass of raisin and the crushed walnuts. Lay a baking tray baking paper, lay out the created cheesecakes and bake about half an hour in the oven warmed up to 180 wasps.
Cheesecakes with additives
Cheesecakes with a stuffing are unusual to taste. Pound together 400 grams of cottage cheese, on four tablespoons of semolina and sugar. Cut circles banana. To put banana in the center of the created cheesecake, to slightly drown, smooth down top. Fry and lay in a form for roasting. To readiness to finish in an oven. – from two hundred grams of cottage cheese, egg, three tablespoons of sugar to add cheesecakes with cinnamon and vanilla to dough on a pinch of vanilla sugar and cinnamon. In a frying pan to fry till golden color. Cheesecakes with syrup. Dough can be taken any what works well best of all. Make syrup so: 100 grams of sugar, 100 grams of raisin, 100 grams of water, 10 grams of cognac. All ingredients, except cognac to connect and bring to the boil. Boil thoroughly several minutes on slow fire then to add cognac and to mix. Water cheesecakes with syrup, a tax with sour cream. Cheesecakes don't have to be sweet. To mix cottage cheese half a kilo, two eggs and 150 grams of cheese with small cut by onions and fennel, to add salt and a black pepper, 100 grams of flour. Knead dough, make cheesecakes, fry. Give hot. If to choose any of above-mentioned recipes and to change slightly, it is possible to receive absolutely new taste. For this purpose it is necessary to wipe cottage cheese through a sieve before mixing it with other products. Cheesecakes will turn out gentle, almost air.