How not to eat too much for holidays

How not to eat too much for holidays

All of us love holidays and actions for an opportunity to have fun, a rest soul and to eat well. Many people perceive festive lunches or dinners as relaxation for themselves. You shouldn't forget that overeating has an adverse effect on work of digestive tract. For this reason it is worth studying some useful rules which to you will help to avoid excess load of a stomach and will help to keep your excellent mood and health both during a holiday, and after it.

What shouldn't be done if you gather for a festive lunch or a dinner

You shouldn't go to an action on an empty stomach. If you are very hungry, and till a feast is still far, then make for yourself protein cocktail or drink a glass of milk that will help you to enrich an organism with protein and useful minerals, vitamins. But also you shouldn't gorge on before a holiday. Many of us can't refuse to themselves dishes which attract the aroma. You, most likely, will want to try them, but if your stomach was filled prior to an action, there is a danger to do itself harm.

Also it isn't necessary to miss the planned training in day of an action because, as we know, the physical activity allows metabolism to accelerate that will positively affect further digestion of food.

You shouldn't lean on alcohol. The glass of a dry wine will be appropriate, but no more than that as you shouldn't forget that alcoholic beverages very much kaloriyna.

What it is desirable to do during a festive lunch or a dinner

It is necessary to use cellulose which contains mostly in vegetables. On a holiday table always a set of various dishes: meat, fat and so on. You should give preference to vegetable salads as they help digestion and quicker sate a stomach.

Also you shouldn't forget about physical activity on holidays. You are invited to dance? With confidence go! Both lighten the mood, and you will burn calories, and you won't tempt yourself with food which is on a holiday table.

If you want to eat something fat or food which is saturated with fast carbohydrates (dessert) then itself should put a small portion and to chew slowly. Thus, your stomach will be sated and won't want additive any more.

Food should be washed down with mineral not sparkling water. It is better to avoid some carbonated drinks which irritate a mucous membrane of a stomach.

Just in case take medicine which is capable to improve work of an alimentary system. God bless you also love holidays!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
