Grapes – the delicacy loved by many, which besides very richly various vitamins. There are many recipes and ways of how it is possible to make grapes. Among a nikhvarenye from grapes. For its preparation usually use grades with large berries: Нимранг, Delight, Rizamat steady, Mascot and many other.
For preparation of jam on a sugar syrup it is necessary to take:
- 1 kg of sugar and one glass of water on 1 kg of grape berries
- Sugar needs to be dissolved in heated water, and then to add there some berry and to cook them 30 min. on weak fire.
- At the end it is necessary to add a spoon of citric acid and also powder of vanilla sugar to taste.
- For 30 minutes from a jam surface a spoon, it is necessary to remove a skin together with the emerged seeds. Already cooled down jam can be poured in clean and dry banks.
In not less tasty and useful way of how it is possible to make grapes, the compote made of the fresh grape berries watered with a sugar syrup or juice of grapes is. The grades which are the most suitable for preparation of compote - the Muscat Hamburg, to Karaburn and others which possess dense pulp and a thin skin. For compote exclusively healthy and mature berries have to be used. First of all, they need to be washed, destemed, sorted by the size and a maturity, and then to spread out on banks and to fill in with grape juice or a sugar syrup with concentration no more than 30%, at a temperature of 40 °C. Grape compote happens the highest or first grades. Berries in it, by all means have to be uniform in size, without damages, have gentle consistence and have uniform coloring.
Other way of how it is possible to make tasty grapes – шпот.
It is soft drink from grape juice.
- In the beginning, it is necessary to add a little water to uvarenny juice and to bring to the boil, at the same time constantly stirring slowly.
- Add the flour mixed with water and cook before formation of jellylike weight. Шпот it is considered ready when the weight which is poured out in a saucer and cooled down forms a brilliant surface.
- It is necessary to add some spice, for example, pounded mix from cinnamon, a carnation, cardamom in 10 minutes until the end of cooking.
- The ready-made product needs to be poured in clean and dry ware and to strew with small cut walnuts.