Spicy adjika – juicy Abkhazian seasoning from paprika, walnut, salt and spices. Traditionally in its structure there are no tomatoes, but hostesses quite often prefer to cook adjika with tomatoes – so it becomes more gentle, gains pleasant sweetish and sourish smack.
It is required to you
- 1 kg of paprika;
- 3 kg tomato;
- 50 grams of walnuts;
- 1-2 pods of bitter pepper;
- 250 grams of garlic;
- 250 grams of soaked apples;
- horse-radish root;
- carrots;
- fennel
- parsley to taste;
- 3 tablespoons of vinegar (9%);
- salt;
1. It is better to prepare products for adjika in advance. Peel paprika (it is possible to take red, yellow or green) and also pods of bitter pepper from fruit stems and seeds, carefully wash out and dry up. It is better to peel tomatoes from skins: for this purpose lower them for a couple of minutes in boiled water, cool, and it will easily be husked.
2. Miss all products via the meat grinder: tomatoes, pepper, garlic, greens, nuts. If you have no pods of bitter pepper, add usual ground black and paprika. To taste salt and pour 9% vinegar (3 tablespoons).
3. It is possible to make adjika from tomatoes with horse-radish. For this purpose clean large roots of horse-radish and grate on a small grater (on 1 kg tomato – 300 grams of horse-radish). That not "cry", to use the electric meat grinder better, cover polished weight with a plastic bag. Miss pepper and tomatoes, skinless, via the meat grinder, mix with horse-radish, greens, vinegar, I will merge.
4. You store the made adjika in the fridge, it will be ready-to-serve in a day after preparation. The more densely the cover will be closed, the longer to remain the sharpness and piquancy of seasoning, but anyway, it can be stored not longer than several months.
5. To stock up with adjika for all winter, more careful processing of products will be required. On 3 kg tomato is required to you 200 grams of carrots, on 0.5 kg of paprika and soaked apples, 100 grams of garlic. Miss all these products via the meat grinder, pour 250 grams of vegetable oil and you extinguish on slow fire 2 hours.
6. Then add the crushed bitter pepper, vinegar, garlic, sugar, salt, seasonings to taste. Carefully mix, bring to the boil and pack on clean banks. Sterilize banks within 10 minutes and roll up. At the correct preparation such adjika will be stored not one season.