Doctors and supporters of healthy nutrition don't recommend to refuse a dinner. And even that who seeks to lose weight. This meal is also considered obligatory, and the refusal of it can be fraught with night gluttony or problems with digestion. However that the dinner didn't affect a figure and health, it shouldn't be dense or pass too late.
Optimum time for a dinner
It is considered that it is necessary to have supper at least in 4 hours prior to a dream. However if to go to bed deeply after midnight, the last meal has to take place till 8 p.m. The fact is that in the evening all processes in an organism slow down therefore food just can not be acquired completely. And it is already fraught that a part it will be postponed in problem places, for example, on a stomach or buttocks.
It is promoted also by the fact that evening usually passes less actively, than morning and day. Very few people will go to do sports after dinner, to work physically or it is even simple to walk. Therefore the calories consumed behind an evening meal won't be spent in full.
Besides, the supper, especially dense, can prevent a healthy sleep. Especially in case the person has any problems with digestion. And the feeling of a full stomach will hardly allow to relax well and to fall asleep quickly. That is why it is desirable to have supper till 8 p.m., and it is even better – from 6 p.m. till 7 p.m. If the dinner was very much early, and to sleep it is necessary to lay down deeply after midnight, it is possible one couple of hours prior to a dream to drink 200 ml of low-fat kefir or a natural yoghourt without sugar and fillers. Such light having a snack will be more useful, than a dream on the hungry raging stomach. Especially, if you suffer from excessive acidity.
What it is more useful to eat for dinner
To keep symmetry of a figure and good health, it is worth having supper light dishes. And it is the best of all to give preference to low-fat protein products – after them you won't hunger throughout a long time. It is useful to eat for dinner fish and various seafood which protein is much better acquired by an organism, than meat, low-fat cottage cheese, boiled eggs or omelet, the Adygei cheese or mozzarella. From meat it is the best of all to give preference to dietary chicken breast or rabbit flesh. Sometimes it is possible to afford steak from veal. Vegetables and fruit in the raw are for dinner it isn't desirable as they long enough are digested. Best of all as a garnish to use the stewed, baked or made on a grill vegetables. Paprika, squash, a cauliflower are especially useful. It is possible to season such products with olive oil, spices and lemon juice. During such meal it is better to refuse a dessert, having left it for breakfast. And if there is a strong wish for some sweet, it is possible one couple of hours prior to a dream to drink a little green tea or milk with a spoon of natural honey. Such drink, by the way, will well affect a dream.