The advantage of rye kvass is known since the most ancient times. Primordial Russian drink not only perfectly satisfies thirst, but also well influences a condition of internals of the person. Except unique taste, medical characteristics are attributed to kvass.
Kvass is considered the most nutritious drink which consumption positively affects the state of health of the person. Irreplaceable during a heat, rye kvass refreshes and gives force. Such drink is extraordinary useful, however its influence on an organism will depend directly on structure, technology of preparation.
Advantages of the consumption of rye kvass
Home-made grain kvass has the greatest nutrition value. This drink is cooked from crusts, crackers of a rye bread and can be used as for seasoning of okroshka, and independently. The fragrant kvass made of natural ingredients well invigorates, satisfies thirst and increases working capacity.
The real rye kvass, as well as other types of soft drink, well affects digestion. It helps to bring toxins, slags out of an organism, the unique structure interferes with reproduction of harmful microorganisms. The product having the memorable taste strengthens immunity. Rye kvass is recommended for the use to the people suffering from nervous breakdowns, insomnia. Drink will be useful to hypertensive persons, at heart troubles. Also kvass it is possible and it is necessary to drink if you want to lose weight and in general you care for the health. Health giving qualities of kvass are expressed in the content of vitamins E, groups B, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other substances, necessary for normal functioning of a human body. It is proved that rye kvass strengthens tooth enamel. Drink can be taken at treatment of dysbacteriosis to enhance effect. Rye kvass helps at heartburn, an abdominal distension.
To whom grain kvass isn't recommended
Kvass from a rye bread is a health source, it is used as avitaminosis prophylactic for a long time. It is important that natural drink helps to cope with alcohol addiction. Also the product takes off dizziness, fatigue. This good diuretic and depletive. It should be taken into account that kvass is capable to increase potency. However contraindications at this useful drink exist. Because of the small content of ethyl alcohol (usually no more than 1.2%) rye kvass isn't recommended for the use to children up to 3 years, to the feeding mothers, pregnant women. Also it isn't necessary to experiment and drink the refreshing drink at chronic gastritis, excessive acidity of a stomach, ulcers. Kvass can't be used at diseases of a liver, an urolithic disease. Upon purchase of rye kvass that the product brought benefit, it is necessary to study structure attentively. Drink shouldn't contain preservatives, fragrances, dyes. Home-made kvass is of the greatest value.