How to tell about itself at acquaintance

How to tell about itself at acquaintance

At acquaintance the request is natural to tell about itself and in many respects defines further development of the relations. It is important to submit the main information on itself in advantageous light, to make a pleasant impression and to answer all questions interesting the interlocutor.


1. Try to think over the answer to a request in advance to tell about itself. Analyze yourself, the life and hobbies. Allocate the most interesting moments, write down them on a leaf and be trained as you will tell. Remember this information not to become puzzled, having heard such question.

2. Try to speak it is sure, without faltering and without being confused in phrases. The main thing - do not worry, you not on an interview. Do not try to retell consistently episodes from the life, give them interest. Dilute the story with amusing stories from life, jokes or interesting remarks.

3. Tell about your hobbies, progress in undertakings, views of the future and the main hobbies. If you have common interests with the young man, place emphasis on it and find for this moment more time.

4. Try to tell not too long not to bore the interlocutor. Do not tighten the story, do not dwell too in detail on trivialities. Watch reaction. By the form you will understand the listener, what you tell is how interesting to him. If it becomes boring for him, tell about other interests.

5. Do not think out information on yourself, try to speak honestly and frankly. It is possible to embellish only a little reality or to hold back some shortcomings which are not of basic importance. But do not tell about yourself absolutely opposite information, hoping that, having learned the truth, it will not get to anywhere.

6. Try to avoid stories about the problems. You should not be told at acquaintance about the diseases, the unpleasant employee or failures at work. Try to make an impression of the person with pleasant life who does not try to fill up at the first meeting with the problems.

7. Do not touch upon a subject of last relations and the former partners. Do not tell details about the number of guys whom you met. Do not criticize and do not state enthusiastic comments on them. If this question is not brought up on an appointment, it is better not to speak about the previous relations at all.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
