Important component for creation of the healthy and balanced nutrition are various sea products. One of such products — salad of a chuk, or a vakama, rich in iodine, vitamins and minerals. These seaweed will become the real find for those who care for the health and longevity.
About structure of salad
Special attention the structure of salad deserves. Its basis is formed by valuable minerals: sodium, zinc, iodine, selenium, fluorine, manganese, iron, copper, magnesium, calcium, aluminum, cobalt, potassium and phosphorus.
Besides, in seaweed huge amount of vitamins — C, E, A, B, D, K, PP, B, celluloses, molybdenum, thiamine, Omega-3 fatty acids, vegetable proteins, is well-cared.
All these components are of great value for the person, help it to feel healthy, vigorous and young.
Whether you know? The proteins (proteins) which are contained in salad promote accumulation of muscle bulk to people who actively play sports and physical activities.
Nutrition value and caloric content
Chuka belongs to the category of low-calorie products. In 100 g of salad contains:
- carbohydrates — 17 g;
- proteins — 7 g;
- fats — 1 g.
Caloric content of a product equals 60–62 kcal / 100.
Thanks to such low caloric content, salad is widely used at diets and weight loss. Also it will become a great find for vegetarians as can quite replace meat products.
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Useful properties of a chuk
Having included salad of a chuk in the diet, you supply the organism with the most valuable substances which will allow:
- to improve work of a cardiovascular system;
- to reduce risk of developing of heart attacks and strokes;
- to strengthen walls of vessels and to normalize pressure;
- it is careful to clean intestines from slags and toxins;
- to clean a liver and kidneys;
- to normalize work of a GIT;
- to improve functioning thyroid and a pancreas;
- to rejuvenate skin;
- to remove emotional pressure, to improve concentration.
Enzymes of a sea delicacy allow to reduce cholesterol level, actively fight against manifestations of atherosclerosis. They improve functioning of a cardiovascular system, help to strengthen immunity
Chuka will become excellent nutritional supplement for the people who are actively playing sports. It allows to gain naturally muscle bulk and also to keep muscles in a tone after the termination of trainings. Seaweed are also shown those who works hard intellectually. They improve brain activity, memory, help to concentrate and strengthen sound perception better.
The antioxidants which are contained in a product have the rejuvenating effect, help to smooth wrinkles, to enhance elasticity and elasticity of integuments, to strengthen hair and to intensify their growth.
Whether you know? Japanese consider salad of a chuk the strongest aphrodisiac which is capable to enhance potency and sexual desire of the man to women.
To win against nervous breakdowns, a depression, these seaweed too perfectly help to reduce emotional excitability. They give the chance to normalize a dream, to overcome drowsiness and fatigue.
Where apply
Thanks to the rich structure the seaweed to a vakama are successfully applied in various spheres of medicine, cosmetology, cookery and in life.
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In medicine
Salad of a chuk found popularity in traditional medicine. The greatest distribution of an alga was won at residents of the Asian countries which still long since used them for treatment of many diseases.
Today the product helps to cope with such illnesses:
- anemia;
- problems with intestines (locks or diarrhea);
- psoriasis;
- blood circulation violation;
- problems with a thyroid gland;
- skin diseases;
- neurosises and depressions.
Regular consumption to a vakama allows to fix problems with teeth, to strengthen gums. The components which are contained in seaweed improve a lymph flow, revitalize connecting fabrics, thereby promoting rejuvenation of an organism.
Important! Chuka is considered the most valuable product for prevention of formation of tumors of malignant and good-quality type.
In cookery
Salads which basis is the chuka are used today by residents practically of all countries of the world. They have pleasant, most delicate, a little ostrovaty taste and extreme nutrition value. Seaweed are ideally combined together with nuts, vegetables, sea products, meat of chicken, paste. They can be used as in pure form, and as a part of various dishes.
To Vakama in most cases joins in the dietary and vegetarian menu. He is signature dish at all restaurants of Japan.
Whether it is possible for pregnant women and feeding
Despite nutrition value of these seaweed, the chuk is not recommended to be used to the women bearing the child. In the first trimester salad can provoke heartburn, and in the third — to lead to the premature beginning of fights and, as a result, to childbirth.
We advise to read about the vitamins necessary for pregnant women and the feeding mothers.
As the product can cause allergic reactions, the feeding women need to consume it with extra care.
Harm and contraindications
Salad of a chuk should be used with care as, except advantage, in certain cases it can do much harm. In the nature of an alga serve as cleaners, so, actively absorb both useful, and hazardous substances.
Chuka, collected in the polluted reservoirs, the huge amount of heavy metals, toxins accumulates therefore constitutes danger to human health. It is necessary to use only seaweed from clean, eco-friendly places.
Important! It is forbidden to consume salad to children, 12 years as it contains a large amount of iodine that can negatively affect work of a thyroid gland and other bodies are younger.
Before the use of seaweed the people with diseases of a thyroid gland are recommended to consult with the doctor.
If you for the first time include to a vakama in the diet, then begin with small doses — 20–40 g. If several hours later allergic reactions are not shown, then you can safely consume a product.
Salad of a chuk — surprising, rich in useful components, very nourishing and tasty product which will take the worthy place in the menu of adults and teenagers. When planning a daily diet surely include this sea delicacy in the menu, it will become one of secrets of your health and longevity.