Tomatoes: advantage and harm for health

Tomatoes: advantage and harm for health

Several centuries ago tomato was considered as an ornamental plant, today is one of the most demanded and favourite vegetables.

Except great tastes it possesses the rich vitamin and mineral structure capable to save from many illnesses and to improve the state of health of the person.

Learn, than tomatoes and in what look it is better to use them are still useful.

Caloric content and chemical composition

Tomatoes carry to vegetables with the high content of water. It the fruit contains over 90%, the rest is made by vitamins, micro and macrocells.

The tomato incorporates three most powerful antioxidants:

  • the beta carotene which is transformed to vitamin A: improves a condition of hair, skin, nails, interferes with presenilation;
  • vitamin E: takes part in all biochemical processes, normalizes work of all internals, prevents development of cancer cells;
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C): strengthens the immune system, promotes increase in resilience of an organism to influence of external factors. It should be noted that by amount of ascorbic acid the tomatoes can become worthy competitors to a lemon.

Besides, fruits of a tomato are saturated:

  • — B1, B3, B5, B6 which are responsible for normal functioning of nervous system and stimulate with group B vitamins brain activity;
  • vitamin H participating in exchange of carbohydrates and amino acids;
  • the RR vitamin normalizing work of a cardiovascular system.

Among micro and macrocells it is possible to allocate:

  • potassium: improves functioning of heart and nervous system;
  • sodium: normalizes water-salt exchange;
  • magnesium: stabilizes work of nervous system, saves from fatigue and a depression;
  • hardware: strengthens bone and muscle tissue, interferes with formation of anemia;
  • sulfur: fights against harmful bacteria, slows down aging process;
  • phosphorus: provides the normal growth of a bone and tooth tissue.

At all the rich structure, tomato caloric content low, is the share of 100 g of fresh fruits to only 26 kcal.

Important! It is necessary to know that the caloric content of the tomatoes which are grown up in hothouse conditions a little lower and is (on 100 g) 21 kcal.

The nutrition value of tomatoes is by the following structure (on 100 g of fresh fruits):


Caloric content





26 kcal

0.6 g

0.2 g

4.2 g


13 kcal

1.1 g

0.1 g

1.6 g


15 kcal

1.7 g

0.2 g

1.8 g

Than are useful to an organism

Advantage of tomatoes for a human body extremely big that is defined by their rich chemical composition.


Tomatoes — a low-calorie product which is extremely useful at weight loss as:

  • quickly sates an organism;
  • accelerates exchange processes;
  • reduces appetite.

Besides, the women who are regularly consuming fruits will be able to get rid of problems with integuments, such as rashes and irritations, to improve a condition of hair and nails. Vitamin C which is possessed by red, yellow and green tomatoes allows:

  • to slow down aging process;
  • to accelerate cell regeneration;
  • to clean them from toxins and free radicals.

Whether you know? Tomatoes, as well as chocolate, are considered as a source of joy hormone. They contain a large amount of serotonin which lightens the mood and saves from depressions.

Tomato for pregnant women as contains the folic acid necessary for the correct formation of nervous system of the kid and prevention of development of pathologies is considered especially useful.

In addition, tomato is rich with the most valuable substances which:

  • reduce risk of development of a breast cancer;
  • diseases of a neck of the uterus warn;
  • help to avoid anemia.

Various masks from tomatoes allow to return to skin a tone, elasticity, elasticity, healthy and fresh complexion.

It will be for certain interesting to you to learn whether ketchup is useful.


The tomato is quite often called men's vegetable — their systematic consumption increases potency, normalizes work of gonads, promotes recovery of male power, gives the chance to prolong an erection. Besides, tomato:

  • cleans vessels, strengthens walls, thereby prevents formation of blood clots;
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol;
  • normalizes pressure, serves as excellent prevention of a hypertension;
  • interferes with development of a prostate cancer.

The use of tomatoes is shown those who leaves off smoking. Substances as a part of fruits connect toxins and pitches, bring them out of an organism, promote fast clarification of lungs. The advantage of these vegetables is also essential at:

  • hepatitis;
  • violations in functioning of kidneys;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with a digestive tract.

Whether you know? Tomatoes contain a lot of potassium and magnesium which allow a human body to adapt to weather changing. Therefore the people who are sharply feeling weather changes should use them regularly.

Advantage and harm for health

Dietitians advise regularly to include tomatoes in the diet. But at the same time it is necessary to consider that different types of processing provide existence of various properties.

Fresh tomatoes

Fresh tomatoes contain the considerable volume of lycopene and antioxidants which help to strengthen a bone tissue, serve as excellent prevention of development of osteoporosis. In addition, fresh tomatoes:

  • possess the anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating action;
  • reduce the level of bad cholesterol and risk of appearance of diseases of heart;
  • lower arterial blood pressure;
  • reduce the probability of formation of stones in kidneys;
  • strengthen walls of vessels, prevent formation of blood clots;
  • help to struggle with free radicals;
  • do not allow oxidizing processes which precede origin of cancer cells.

Fresh tomatoes are recommended to be used that who combats the excess weight as they:

  • improve digestion;
  • accelerate metabolic processes;
  • sate an organism, at the same time being a dietary, low-calorie product.

Salty (fermented)

Salty (or fermented that in fact the same) tomatoes, at observance of all rules of salting, keep in themselves practically all range of vitamins and minerals. Consumption of moderate quantity of salty tomatoes will allow:

  • to reduce the probability of emergence of cancer cells;
  • to improve functioning of a cardiovascular system;
  • to strengthen vessels, a neck of the uterus;
  • to reduce risk of development of diseases of a pancreas and prostate.

Also tomatoes in a salty look can be eaten with the person interested to lose weight and to people with diabetes. Such tomatoes contain a natural antibiotic — quercetin which helps to fight against pathogenic bacteria. And thanks to the high content of cellulose, salty vegetables are advised to consume at locks or violations of work of a digestive tract.

Important! It is necessary to limit the use of tomatoes in a salty look to people with illnesses of a liver, kidneys, a pancreas. Also allergic persons cannot eat such tomatoes.

Marinated tomatoes

In winter time marinated tomatoes are considered as great delicacy. In the course of thermal treatment the most part of vitamins and useful minerals in a fruit is lost, however remain:

  • RR vitamin;
  • rather most part of phosphoric, sodium and potash salts;
  • microdoses of iodine and manganese.

Certainly, the advantage of a marinated product is much less, than fresh or dried. But, unlike other marinated vegetables, in tomatoes lycopene which serves as prevention of diseases of oncological character remains. It is also necessary to consider that excessive eating of marinated tomatoes can cause:

  • formation of stones in kidneys;
  • development of an urolithic disease;
  • emergence of problems with a GIT.


From the culinary point of view the fried tomatoes are considered as fine additive to various dishes. However in the course of frying a huge number of valuable components perishes — there are only small doses of lycopene, potassium, magnesium which are remarkable prophylactic of cardiovascular illnesses, new growths of malignant character. Tomato oil which is received by languor of tomatoes in olive oil as it is considered useful:

  • contributes to normalization of work of a GIT;
  • normalizes exchange processes.

Dried tomatoes

Dried tomatoes keep a maximum of vitamin and mineral substances of fresh vegetable — they contain group B vitamins, beta carotene, ascorbic acid, potassium, magnesium, sodium, fluorine, phosphorus. It makes favorable impact practically on all systems of an organism, allowing:

  • to improve digestion;
  • to increase organism resilience to negative external factors;
  • to rejuvenate skin and to stop presenilation;
  • to improve visual acuity;
  • to normalize work of a cardiovascular system;
  • to reduce arterial blood pressure.

A large amount of cellulose in a dried tomato gives the chance to quickly sate an organism and by that to reduce feeling of hunger.

Important! From all types of tomatoes dried are the most high-calorie: 260 kcal are the share of 100 g of a product. For this reason the people suffering from excess weight should use such tomatoes in moderate quantities.

Whether it is possible to eat

The advantage of tomatoes is simply invaluable to a human body — but in certain cases they can do harm. It is necessary to know who should reduce their consumption, or at all to refuse them.

At pregnancy and breastfeeding

Tomatoes contain a huge number of valuable components which are necessary for women during incubation of the child. Regularly including vegetables in the menu, future mother enriches an organism with a large amount of folic acid which prevents development of pathologies in the kid, promotes the correct formation of nervous system. Besides, availability of folic acid and magnesium gives the chance:

  • to get rid of a depression and bad mood;
  • to normalize a dream.

Also fresh tomatoes or juice, fresh from them:

  • perfectly influence digestion;
  • improve work of heart;
  • eliminate locks;
  • improve memory;
  • reduce hypostases;
  • regulate a metabolism;
  • have positive impact on intestinal microflora.

However, as tomatoes are red fruits, they should be eaten with care that who suffers from allergic reactions. Besides, their consumption should be limited at diseases of kidneys, an urinogenital system, heart.

Important! In the presence of diseases of a cardiovascular system and kidneys it is necessary to refuse consumption of marinated and salty tomatoes in general.

The lactation is not a contraindication to the use of tomatoes. Moreover, they allow:

  • to improve water-salt balance;
  • to normalize process of development of milk;
  • to sate an organism of mother and child vital micro and macrocells;
  • to save from a depression.

At a lactation it is recommended to give preference to the fresh tomatoes used during a season. In day it is necessary to eat no more than 2-3 pieces. However, in winter time it is better to refrain from fresh tomatoes; it is possible to indulge himself with a dried product sometimes. At GV it is impossible to eat tinned or salty tomatoes.

Read in more detail about advantage of cabbage: Bruxelles, Beijing, color.

At weight loss

The tomato is considered one of the best products at weight loss — it contains a complex of useful components and at the same time is low-calorie. Tomatoes allow to sate quickly an organism, to reduce feeling of hunger; with them nutritionists recommend to do fasting days. And thanks to availability of lycopene they promote:

  • to digestion process acceleration;
  • normalization of a chair;
  • to fast splitting of fat deposits;
  • to maintenance of normal level of cholesterol;
  • to increase in activity of an organism.

However at a diet you should not eat tomatoes round the clock. Their excess consumption can lead to stomach ulcer or problems with a GIT, appearance of heartburn, allergic reactions.

At pancreatitis, gastritis, stomach ulcer

At pancreatitis it is impossible to use tomatoes in an aggravation stage, and here in the absence of pain they will become a fine source of useful components, will be able to improve digestion, to save from locks.

Important! At pancreatitis it is necessary to begin introduction of tomatoes to a diet with very small portions. It is forbidden to use fresh vegetables — better to bake them in an oven, to extinguish or steam.

At gastritis and stomach ulcer tomatoes too not under a ban, however them it is necessary to use only in a remission stage. Well ripened, not green fruits will approach. At ulcers it is better to replace fresh vegetables with tomato juice not to provoke increase in acidity and a problem with a pancreas.

At diabetes

Tomatoes contain few calories, but ways it is good to sate an organism at diabetes. They contain a number of elements — potassium, fluorine, salt magnesium and sodium — which:

  • promote fluidifying of blood and normalization of level of sugar;
  • interfere with development of diseases of heart;
  • reduce the probability of oncological illnesses;
  • clean a liver.

At diabetes not only tomatoes, but also juice, fresh from them, are useful. Its regular consumption promotes improvement of a condition of skin, rejuvenation of integuments, effectively influences the systems of digestion. To patients with type 1 diabetes the recommended daily dose of tomatoes makes no more than 300 g, 2 types — 250 g of fruits and 200 ml of juice.

Important! At diabetes it is necessary to refuse eating of marinated or salty vegetables.

At gout

Consumption of tomatoes at gout allows to reduce the level of acidity of urine that, in turn, gives the chance to improve work of kidneys and an urinogenital system. Tomatoes contain in the structure various carbonic, hydroxyacetic and hydroxycinnamon acids which:

  • stabilize oxidizing processes in an organism;
  • protect from negative impact of free radicals;
  • reduce inflammatory processes.

Consumption of tomatoes should be reduced during exacerbation of a disease and also that at whom allergic reactions are observed.

At prostatitis

At prostatitis the main treatment is directed to prevention of emergence of additional irritants of a prostate and providing it by normal blood circulation, normalization of work of digestive tract, strengthening of the immune system. Tomatoes as they can cope with these tasks:

  • contain cellulose which promotes activation of work of a GIT, improves digestion, eliminates locks;
  • possess anti-inflammatory action;
  • dilute blood;
  • stabilize work of kidneys, a liver, an urinogenital system.

At prostatitis it is better to use tomatoes in the baked, stewed look, or steamed.

Whether you know? The biggest tomato in the world was grown up by the American botanists. Its weight was 2.9 kg.

At a tonsillitis

Except intake of medicines, at a tonsillitis it is necessary to keep to the certain diet directed to strengthening of immunity and maximum unloading of digestive system. At a tonsillitis it is recommended to use thermally processed tomatoes which will become an excellent source of ascorbic acid, cellulose, group B vitamins, allowing:

  • to increase organism resilience;
  • to restore forces;
  • to fill energy loss.

At a tonsillitis it is forbidden to eat marinated and salty tomatoes as they can cause disorder of digestion and also strengthen pain in a throat.

Learn how to treat throat diseases Simkhasana.

At candidiasis

Candidiasis — the infectious disease caused by barmy fungi of the sort Candida. Parasites can have various places of localization: vagina, digestive tract, mouth. At this disease it is necessary to accept the corresponding medicines and also to keep to a diet. Tomatoes — one of the best products for such diet as they, thanks to the high content of various acids, allow:

  • to clean a GIT;
  • to take off fatigue;
  • to adjust functioning of internals;
  • to bring hazardous substances and toxins out of an organism;
  • to restore natural intestinal microflora.

At candidiasis the tomatoes need to be eaten in a warm look: stewed, baked, on couple. So, tomatoes have curative effect as fresh, and after processing. Regularly consuming them, it is possible to warn various illnesses. However it is necessary to consider also features of every way of preparation of a product.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
