Carbohydrates – some of necessary components which are necessary for normal work of an organism. The main sources of carbohydrates are, of course, a food of plant origin.
More than 50% of energy receive an organism thanks to carbohydrates, the rest is provided with proteins and fats.
Carbohydrates are divided into simple and difficult. The glucose and fructose a little more complex – disaccharides – lactose and sucrose belong to plain carbohydrates – monosaccharides. These are sakharopodobny carbohydrates.
Monosaccharides and disaccharides contain in in all fruit, especially in bananas, in honey, in berries, they are very quickly acquired by an organism and give it at the same time huge amount of energy. However this energy surely has to be spent, otherwise the risen sugar level in blood can harmful affect health.
The use of "fast" carbohydrates has to be followed by the physical activities corresponding to the received energy, and it is better for the people having obesity and diabetes to reduce their quantity in a diet.
Complex carbohydrates rich with starch – polysaccharides – are acquired by an organism more slowly, but at the same time sugar level in blood remains at the previous level therefore they are considered as more useful. They contain in cereals, vegetables, bean cultures.
Besides huge amount of energy which carbohydrates give together with them mineral substances and vitamins, for example, cellulose and pectins which contribute to cholesterol normalization, a conclusion of slags and toxins come to an organism, interfere with stagnation food, favorably influence work of intestines.
The most important function of carbohydrates – accumulation in muscles and a liver of a glycogen – the substance similar to vegetable starch. At big expenses of energy, strong physical activities the glycogen will be mobilized and turns into glucose necessary for an organism.