One of the most pleasant and comfortable methods of weight loss for health is the diet on porridges. Grain dishes for a long time save from feeling of hunger, supply with necessary energy and do not harm a figure.
Essence and main principles of a diet
The main diet is made by dishes of different types of grain. The menu can be made for week or 10 days. The basic principles of a diet on porridges.
- In 30 minutes prior to food always drink a glass of usual water or not aerated mineral water.
- All types of grain need to be cooked only on water, without addition of salt, sugar and oil.
- All porridges can be eaten in unlimited number for all day.
- Time of meal can be chosen any, but after 19:00 is it is impossible.
Important! During the day it is necessary to drink a lot of water (not less than 2.5 liters) that the organism did not hold in itself liquid.
Pluses and minuses
The use of dishes from grain promotes loss of extra kilos. But, except effect of weight loss, the diet on porridges has some other pluses:
- cleaning of intestines of slags as a result of the use of products with the high content of cellulose;
- normalization of a metabolism, salt conclusion from an organism;
- obtaining enough energy from grain;
- feeling of satiety for many hours;
- supply of an organism with vitamins;
- preservation of muscle bulk as a result of the use of vegetable proteins;
- strengthening of immunity;
- low cost of grain.
Despite a large number of advantages, the diet on porridges can conceal in itself dangers about which it is necessary to know. Here some of them:
- emergence of locks as a result of consumption of a large amount of the starch which is contained in grain;
- intoxication of an organism and frustration of a chair in case of the wrong preparation for a diet;
- the diet on porridges is contraindicated to women during pregnancy and a lactation and also to people with intolerance of gluten, diabetes, diseases of GIT or thyroid gland;
- it is impossible to grow thin in such a way during treatment by strong drugs;
- the grain cooked in water without addition of sugar and salt not really tasty therefore for its regular consumption it is required to show will power.
It is important! If strictly to follow the made menu from grain, then in only 7 days it is possible to get rid of 7–10 kg.
How many it is possible to dump
The efficiency of a diet is explained porridges by the fact that almost all grain contains vitamins, complex carbohydrates and cellulose which promotes clarification of intestines.
What porridge the most useful to weight loss
All porridges have useful properties and also contain vitamins and nutrients, necessary for an organism. Let's consider in more detail, than each of them is useful to weight loss.
Whether you know? At a buckwheat monodiet it is possible to dump one week prior to 5 kg.
The most dietary of all types of grain. It slows down formation of fat deposits and brings lipids out of an organism. Millet cereal promotes skin regeneration, removes hypostases.
Contains complex carbohydrates which quickly cause strong feeling of satiety. Contributes to normalization of a metabolism in an organism therefore fats are burned quicker. It is the best of all to cook green not fried buckwheat. It is useful to women thanks to the high content of folic acid and iron.
Treats one of the most low-calorie grain, it is ideal for weight loss. Wheat contributes to normalization of lipidic exchange and interferes with postponement of fats, reduces cholesterol level. Contains phosphorus, iron, B1, B2 vitamins, starch.
Contains the plain carbohydrates, vegetable proteins and vitamins of group B which are positively influencing nervous system. But to lose extra kilos by means of semolina it will not turn out because of its high caloric content. Semolina contains 331 kcal on 100 g therefore it is not recommended to add semolina to a diet during a diet.
There has to be obligatory wholegrain. Grits have low caloric content, but contain a lot of cellulose. Promotes clarification of an organism and extension of muscles that is especially important for athletes. Grits dishes well lower acidity of a stomach and improve work of a thyroid gland.
Contains zinc, phosphorus, manganese, vitamins B, E. Thanks to the absorbing properties, rice absorbs toxins in intestines and promotes their removal. Rice grain well influences a condition of heart and vessels. Not polished rice best of all is suitable for a diet.
Contains a lot of phosphorus, promotes metabolism acceleration, strengthening of bones. Yachnevy porridge is useful to people with diabetes.
Improves exchange of fats and carbohydrates in an organism. Pearl barley is useful to heart and sight. During cooking, pearl barley increases in sizes of 5 times therefore even a small amount of pearl barley quickly satisfies hunger.
This porridge is hypoallergenic and contains a minimum of calories. Corn grits slows down processes of digestion of food in intestines and causes a long feeling of satiety.
Contains a lot of cellulose which promotes removal from an organism of toxins. This grain is considered one of the most useful.
What it is possible to add a diet with
It is difficult to person to sustain week on some grain dishes therefore it is possible to add other products to a diet, but in limited quantity.
Important! In 100 g of grits the fourth part of standard daily rate of a protein contains therefore porridge perfectly is suitable for a proteinaceous diet.
The resolved products
In mild option of a diet the addition in the menu of the dishes steamed or baked in an oven is allowed. Here the list of products which can be used together with porridge during a diet:
- fresh and stewed vegetables;
- fish (boiled, baked);
- fruit;
- nuts;
- vegetable and fish broth;
- skim milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese;
- honey;
- vegetable oil.
From drinks it is possible to have green or herbal tea, fruit juice.
Irrespective of degree of severity and duration of a diet there are products which are forbidden to be used during weight loss.
Read also about advantage and harm of a banana, tangerine and water-melon diet for weight loss.
Treat them:
- meat (in any kind);
- seafood;
- potatoes dishes;
- sugar and sweets;
- butter;
- bread and pastries;
- pasta;
- chocolate;
- sweet and carbonated drinks.
The correct entrance and exit from a diet
To achieve good result, it is necessary to know several rules of preparation for such diet. In a week before it is necessary to implement several recommendations.
- To remove hot, salty and fried dishes, sausages, fast food from a diet.
- To refuse sweet and farinaceous dishes.
- To exclude potatoes from the menu.
- To accustom itself to drink more water.
- Not to take carbonated drinks, alcohol.
- To refuse cigarettes.
On the eve of the first day of a diet it is recommended to make fasting day on kefir or apples. The good preparatory effect is rendered by the cleaning enema. The main rule of an exit from a diet — gradualness. Every day add to a diet on one new dish. If you adhered to a strict diet, then in the beginning it is necessary to add fruit and vegetables to the menu. Then it is possible to eat boiled meat of chicken, whole-grain bread.
Important! After a diet always begin to enter a new product in a small amount.
It is necessary to repeat a diet on porridges not more often than time in half a year. It should not last more than 10 days since otherwise the menu from grain will only promote increase in weight.
How to lose weight on porridges: menu
The diet during a diet directly depends on the number of kilograms to which you want to say goodbye. Strict diets during which it is allowed to use only porridges and herbal tea are most effective. But it is difficult to stand her that who got used to a variety of dishes. Therefore for weight loss it is possible to choose mild option to which menu is allowed to be added other products.
Whether you know? Any grain can be made in a liquid, viscous and friable look. Exactly viscous porridge best of all is suitable for a diet.
Depending on duration the diet on porridges can be two types:
- for 7 days;
- for 10 days.
The menu can be made of one favourite type of porridge (monodiet) or combined — every day to cook different grain.
For 7 days
A certain grain, by one look for every day enters a diet of such diet. Porridge is a main course for a breakfast, a lunch and a dinner.
Important! It is required to observe strictly sequence of grain on days. It is impossible to break an order of their use.
On six porridges
The feature of this option of a diet is that only six types of grain enter a diet: wheat, millet, oat, rice, yachnevy and pearl-barley. The menu for a mild diet from six types of grain for a week looks so:
Day |
Type of porridge (main course) |
Additional products |
1 |
Wheat |
In the morning: fresh berries, low-fat kefir. In the afternoon: apple juice. In the evening: fresh tomatoes and greens salad. |
2 |
Millet |
In the morning: low-fat kefir. In the afternoon: fresh vegetables salad. In the evening: apple juice. |
3 |
Oat |
In the morning: apple. In the afternoon: orange juice. In the evening: low-fat kefir. |
4 |
Rice |
In the morning: fresh cucumber. In the afternoon: low-fat kefir or apple. In the evening: fresh cucumbers and tomatoes salad. |
5 |
Yachnevy |
In the morning: pear. In the afternoon: fresh cucumber. In the evening: fresh cabbage and greens salad. |
6 |
Pearl-barley |
In the morning: low-fat kefir. In the afternoon: fresh vegetables salad. In the evening: the baked apple. |
7 |
In the morning: porridge. In the afternoon: rice porridge. In the evening: buckwheat. |
In the morning: low-fat kefir. In the afternoon: fresh cabbage, cucumbers and greens salad. In the evening: fresh tomato. |
On seven porridges
Except standard types, there is still a so-called Suvorov porridge. It represents mix from several different grain. It is recommended to train her the last day diets. The indicative menu for a mild diet on 7 porridges can look so:
Day |
Type of porridge (main course) |
Additional products |
1 |
Wheat |
In the morning: stewed cabbage. In the afternoon: fish broth. In the evening: low-fat kefir. |
2 |
Millet |
In the morning: cucumber, green tea. In the afternoon: vegetable broth. In the evening: low-fat cottage cheese. |
3 |
Oat |
In the morning: dried fruits, green tea. In the afternoon: apple juice. In the evening: fat-free yogurt. |
4 |
Rice |
In the morning: green tea. In the afternoon: boiled wild rice. In the evening: skim milk. |
5 |
Yachnevy |
In the morning: boiled cauliflower. In the afternoon: fish on couple. In the evening: omelet. |
6 |
Pearl-barley |
In the morning: boiled beet. In the afternoon: fresh vegetables salad. In the evening: cottage cheese casserole. |
7 |
Combined (Suvorov) |
In the morning: fresh apple. In the afternoon: the baked fish. In the evening: low-fat kefir. |
For 10 days
The diet on porridges lasting 10 days contains dishes from different types of grain too, but it is not required to observe their strict sequence. The example of the menu for a diet on porridges lasting 10 days is given below.
Day |
Type of porridge (main course) |
Additional products |
1 |
Oat |
In the morning: fresh fruit. In the afternoon: fresh vegetables salad. In the evening: apple juice. |
2 |
Yachnevy |
In the morning: pear. In the afternoon: vegetables on couple. In the evening: low-fat kefir. |
3 |
Millet |
In the morning: low-fat yogurt. In the afternoon: fresh vegetables salad. In the evening: low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk. |
4 |
Pearl-barley |
In the morning: dried fruits, herbal tea. In the afternoon: sea fish on couple. In the evening: low-fat kefir. |
5 |
Wheat |
In the morning: herbal tea. In the afternoon: fresh tomatoes and cucumbers salad. In the evening: fresh apple. |
6 |
Corn |
In the morning: green tea. In the afternoon: low-fat kefir. In the evening: pear. |
7 |
Yachnevy |
In the morning: apple, herbal tea. In the afternoon: vegetable broth. In the evening: low-fat yogurt. |
8 |
Millet |
In the morning: fresh fruit (any). In the afternoon: vegetable broth. In the evening: low-fat yogurt. |
9 |
Buckwheat |
In the morning: herbal tea. In the afternoon: low-fat kefir. In the evening: fresh apple. |
10 |
Oat |
In the morning: fresh apple. In the afternoon: fresh tomatoes and cucumbers salad. In the evening: green tea. |
The menu from grain will help not only to lose extra kilos, but also will enrich an organism with useful minerals and vitamins. It is necessary to follow only strictly all rules of a diet, and the result will be noticeable in several days.