The majority of coniferous plants form various cones in which seeds are hidden. Such reproductive organs are used in food only by various rodents as for the person such product is not of great value. However on a juniper the similarity of the real berries about which edibility and application the speech will go ripens. About what illnesses treat by means of juniper berries and what medicinal properties are based on — read further.
As looks and where the coniferous bush grows
Juniper ordinary — an evergreen coniferous bush which belongs to family Cypress, to the sort Juniper, including 75 types.
The bush grows in height from 1 to 3 m, seldom represents a tree to 12 m. The krone is formed in the form of egg or a cone, the sexual dimorphism is expressed so-so, at female individuals the descending krone.
Needle leaves have length about 1 cm, are painted in color, light green with a bluish shade. Needle leaves sharp at edges, from a reverse side glossy.
Most often dvudomny plants when on one bush are formed only women's or only men's flowers meet. On men's bushes mikrostrobila (men's option of cones), and on female bushes — galberries which on color and a form remind blueberry ripen. In berry from 1 to 3 seeds which occupy a considerable part of a cone. Formation of galberries falls on May-June.
Important! The first formation of berries happens at the age of 5-10 years. Up to this point the tree does not fructify.
Chemical composition
Fruits of a juniper are saturated with a set of useful substances:
- pitch;
- wax;
- dyes;
- tannins;
- ant, acetic and apple acids;
- essential oil (up to 2% of lump);
- minerals;
- vitamins (large amount of ascorbic acid);
- terpenes (camphene, kadinen, borneol, pinene).
Whether it is possible to eat juniper berries
At the beginning of article we mentioned that the sort consists of 75 types which are similar among themselves, however the botanical description of a juniper ordinary was considered. All for the reason that only fruits of this look can be eaten. Galberries of other 74 types at the use cause poisonings of various weight therefore it is better not to test a GIT for durability.
Edible fruits have pleasant aroma and also differ in good sweet taste. On galberries of an ordinary juniper three furrows are noticeable.
Read also about useful and harmful properties of pine needles, oils of a fir and a cedar.
Medicinal properties
Coniferous plants are used in the medicinal purposes for a long time for the reason that as a part of their elevated part there are phytoncides — substances which oppress activity of pathogenic organisms (fungi, viruses, bacteria). Phytoncides contain as well in berries that increases their advantage for the person.
Useful properties:
- diuretic;
- bile-expelling;
- anti-inflammatory;
- antibacterial;
- expectorant.
Cones contain about 2% of essential oil which also positively influences an organism. It is used for treatment of such illnesses:
- polyarthritis;
- colpitis;
- sciatica;
- muscle and joints pains.
Important! Berries cause production of gastric juice in large volumes and also stimulate motility of intestines therefore in the presence of diseases of these bodies it is necessary to show care.
Recipes of traditional medicine
Let's consider simple recipes of traditional medicine which will help to cure various illnesses by means of galberries of a juniper, without resorting to use of harmful medicines.
In this case berries are used not only for removal of excess liquid from an organism, but also for removal of various toxins. For preparation of medicine it is necessary to receive juice from completely kept up berries. However it is important to remember that in berry there are rather large seeds. It is the best of all to remove previously them manually from each berry then to use the convenient equipment for receiving juice.
Leaves of cowberry and wild strawberry, lyubistok, bearberry, dogrose decoction have diuretic properties.
Mix in equal proportions juice from berries and honey. Use 1 tablespoon three times a day just before meal. It is necessary to store medicine in the fridge.
Broth at violation of a menstrual cycle
Notice that medicine is applied only in the absence of serious problems with a reproductive system and also at confidence that usual or extra-uterine pregnancy is not the reason of a delay.
Take 2 tablespoons of ripe fruits, fill in 1 l of water, bring to boiling then boil thoroughly on weak fire of 5 minutes. Filter and cool broth.
It is necessary to accept 2 tablespoons every 2 hour within 12 hours. After that reception should be stopped.
Whether you know? The juniper round the clock emits phytoncides in air, killing all pathogenic organisms. 1 hectare of a juniper is capable to purify megalopolis air, and there will be enough small bush for purification of air in the house.
Broth at arthritis and rheumatism
For receiving this medicine it is necessary to prepare at least 1 kg of ripe berries. If the products are not enough, then it is better to make tincture on its basis.
Take about 200 g of berries, fill in 2 l of water then bring to boiling and boil thoroughly about 5 minutes on weak fire. The received broth should be filtered then to add to the filled bathtub. It is necessary to be in water no more than half an hour. It is necessary to repeat the procedure a minimum of times in 3 days to gain the expected effect.
Syrup for treatment of psoriasis, neurodermatitis and eczema
For preparation of means it is necessary to take dry berries. It is impossible to use fresh, otherwise you will be mistaken with a dosage.
Take enough galberries, crush to a powdery state then measure 2 tsps. Then fill in powder of 400 ml of boiled water then leave before full cooling. Cold infusion needs to be filtered. After that add several tablespoons of sugar and a uvarita on a water bath to consistence of syrup.
It is necessary to accept 1 tablespoon three times a day after meal.
Read also about advantage and preparation of jam from pine and fir cones.
As use in cookery
Juniper berries in one form or another can be met in various seasonings which are used for pickling of meat (pork, mutton, beef, chicken). They are applied and in the course of preparation of pastes. Escapes and fruits of a juniper are valuable material for smoking of fish. As a result the product develops not only a special pleasant taste, but also is longer stored.
Video: a turkey with berries of a juniper and cowberry sauce
Juniper sugar which is received in the course of processing of berries is used for preparation of confectionery. Dry berries are used as coffee substitute, though meet rather seldom.
In departments with alcohol it is possible to meet gin or vodka on the basis of juniper galberries. Such products are made also in house conditions therefore great tincture which can and be put on a table turns out and to use as medicine.
Video: juniper tincture
Important! At frequent consumption of berries their structure irritates renal fabric, causing partial dysfunction of body.
Raw materials preparation
Gathering berries is carried out in September when fruits already completely ripened. That for a short period to collect a products maximum, it is possible to shake galberries from a tree, previously having spread an oilcloth or a cover.
After gathering berry surely touch, deleting green, rotten, damaged. Delete also insects who can spoil a product in the course of drying.
Learn, than are useful and as pine nuts, cedar oil and tinctures are applied.
If you do not want to dry all fruits, then a small part can be frozen in separate plastic bags that it was in the future possible to use for preparation of tea or drugs for which fresh galberries are necessary.
It is possible to dry berries both under well blown canopy, and in the dryer, however it is worth remembering that temperature should not rise above +30 °C. Pay attention and that after loss of 40% of total amount berry is considered dried up. It is not necessary to dry so that there were only a thin skin and seeds.
It is necessary to store a dry product in dry rooms, previously having packaged in paper bags or wooden boxes. An expiration date — up to 3 years.
Contraindications and precautionary measures
Consumption of berries is contraindicated in the following cases:
- cystitis;
- pyelonephritis;
- ulcer of stomach or intestines;
- gastritis or colitis during aggravation;
- pregnancy.
Remember that problems most often arise because of excess of a dosage and also at the regular use of medicines without interruption. As for pregnancy, the substances which are contained in fruits cause reduction of a uterus, and it threatens with an abortion.
We advise to read about structure, useful properties and application of berries: cornel, sea-buckthorn, guelder-rose, godzha, aroniya, mespilus, honeysuckle, sanberra, dogrose, hawthorn, sloe, asaa.
The contraindications stated above do not concern external application, however it is necessary to remember that if in 2 months after an initiation of treatment you did not feel improvements, then on the basis of berries it is necessary to refuse use of medicines.
Whether you know? Kievan Rus' made ware of bark of a juniper. It was appreciated that in it products due to availability of phytoncides long did not turn sour. It is noted that in such ware milk did not turn sour even during a strong heat.
Video: use of berries of a juniper
Juniper galberries are very useful product which can find application even in the absence of diseases or illnesses. However it is worth remembering that essential oils cause an allergy in many people, and at high concentration of these substances in air severe headaches can develop therefore large volumes of berries should not be stored in living rooms.