Massage rug pranamat: whether the game is worth the candle?

Massage rug pranamat: whether the game is worth the candle?

The crazy rhythm of modern life, on the one hand, keeps in a tone and does not allow weaknesses to be shown, and with another — considerably affects our health. The sleep debt and chronic fatigue lead to the fact that our organism begins to signal about violations in its work. It can be pains of various etymology, insomnia, excess weight and its consequences, fatigue after physical activities and sport. In view of deficiency time wants to solve all these problems quickly and effectively. A huge number of massagers and massage rugs which advertizing actively imposes and promotes each of them as the only and final decision of all problems is presented at the market. Of course, nobody wants to lose, having bought a brilliant wrapper therefore it is worth approaching carefully the choice of stock, especially if it concerns your health. We suggest you to study the description of a massage rug of Pranamat eco which gains the increasing popularity and collects positive reviews.

What is it

Rug Pranamat is a unique novelty in the field of acupressure. The product is made of high-quality organic materials, such as linen, cotton, coconut fiber and the plastic HIPS which is again processed. The product does not cause allergic reactions and is directed to restoring human health, besides is safe for the environment. The patent for unique arrangement of needles on a rug which bring pleasure and relaxation is held and do not cause discomfort.

Read also about features of a massage chair Panasonic.

Whether you know? On 2 sq. cm of a human body about 3000000 cages and 50 nervous terminations are located. The efficiency of various massage is caused including by it.

Principle of work

On a surface of a rug needles which are well beaten by designers are located and are collected in the sockets reminding a lotus. Sharp tips influence acupuncture points which covered our body and each of which is responsible for a certain body and its work. By stimulation of any given zones it is possible to get rid of the mass of diseases, or just to relax after busy day.

How to use a rug

The most important is to use a rug very simply. It is necessary just to lay down on it, and sharp tips will make the business — will relax muscles, will improve blood circulation, will improve work of internals and also will promote release of endorphins.

Endorphins are so-called hormones of joy which level some products (strawberry, oranges, grapes, bananas, chocolate) can also increase, laughter, sports activities: driving the bicycle, occupations yoga, swimming, parkour, tennis and also meditation and walks.

Medical therapy

It is considered that by means of a massage rug of Pranamat eco it is possible to get rid quickly and effectively of a headache, back and also waist pains. Very much seduces that for disposal of unpleasant feelings rather just to lie down on a rug for 15-30 minutes. To increase intensity of impact on any given zone, it is enough to enclose under it a pillow or the roller in that place where the bigger discomfort is felt.

If at the time of use you feel an acute pain, then on a rug it is enough to spend 5-7 minutes. It is not necessary to carry out wearisome exercises which at such moments are capable to cause only unpleasant feelings; just relax, and the effect will not keep itself waiting long. Already through short time due to rush of blood and relaxation of muscles you will feel much better.

It is important! If when using an accessory of pain do not pass, and become only more intensively, it is necessary to see a doctor immediately.


Very often the rug of Pranamat eco is used for removal of tension after unlucky day or physical activities. To facilitate the state and to relax muscles, it is necessary to carry out on the massager of 15-30 minutes — this time enough in order that blood outflow improved, endorphins began to be emitted, and muscular tension receded.

It is necessary to be located on the device so that needles were directed to those parts of your body where big fatigue is felt. So, for example, if from long stay at the computer at you the neck or a waist became numb, arrange the roller under a rug in the right place and enjoy pleasant music or the book within 20-50 minutes. During this time applicators will execute the function and you will feel long-awaited relaxation.

Use in sport

Pranamat eco use for occupations yoga, Pilates and also for performance of daily charging. Such occupations are considered as very effective and allow to bring quickly and easily a body into a tone, and still — to get rid of extra kilos in problem zones.

Important! Skin becomes more elastic and tightened in 7-10 days after the beginning of occupations.

Pluses and minuses

Naturally, this adaptation has both advantages, and shortcomings. Let's understand what. It is possible to carry the following to pluses:

  1. Fast and effective relaxation of muscles.
  2. Performance of any special exercises is not required.
  3. Usability and possibility of application even in a workplace.
  4. Beautiful modern design.
  5. It is not necessary to drink tablets at emergence of discomfort, and it is enough to lie down on a rug and to facilitate the state.
  6. Universality in application, it is possible to use both for improvement of health, and for correction of a figure.
  7. Normalizes a dream and strengthens immunity.

Accessory shortcomings:

  1. High cost.
  2. Existence of contraindications.
  3. The rug in itself is not a panacea, at various diseases it is only capable of some time to facilitate a state.

Whether there are analogs

Acupuncture and various ways of impact on acupuncture points are the most ancient science and long ago are used for treatment and prevention of various diseases therefore Pranamat eco is not unique. If to look, it is possible to find the mass of analogs.

Various rugs of such plan are widely presented at the market. They are distinguished by not such interesting design and they are made not of so high-quality materials, for the rest the principle of their action remains similar, and the price most often is many times lower.

Whether you know? Tactile feelings appear at newborns some of the first, and die away already in old age the latest.


Before application it is necessary to study the instruction and to pay attention to contraindications. Application of a rug without consultation of the doctor is not allowed if one of these diseases is diagnosed for the person:

  • hemophilia;
  • epilepsy;
  • strong injuries and diseases of skin;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy and period of a lactation;
  • violations of a warm rhythm;
  • exacerbation of any chronic disease;
  • temperature increase of a body;
  • tendency to formation of blood clots or thrombophlebitis.

To secure itself, it is anyway better to consult with the doctor before application of a rug, and the choice, certainly, remains for you. Numerous positive reviews demonstrate efficiency of this means. But to give it preference or not, it is possible to tell only in specifically taken situation and having studied symptoms and the diagnosis of the patient.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
