Meteosensitivity: what to do"

Meteosensitivity: what to do"

section of geophysics includes studying influence of various weather on a human body. A simple language is a sensitivity to bad weather which is shown by emergence of a number of symptoms of bad health. Such differences in seasons of year, sharp change of weather or on the contrary, the long monotony has an effect many people of the present. And it concerns not only grandmothers and grandfathers, but also many young people. The healthy organism is worth envying as the strong immunity and training resist to such phenomena, at the same time even improving the state. Such phenomena are especially dangerous to elderly people and also to persons who often is ill or recently was ill something, with chronic illnesses and also to a type of modern office worker which is subject to frequent nervous stresses. And in general, with nervous diseases it is better not to joke, change of weather will be apprehended very quickly.

And so, the we are younger, the it is easier for us. The age is higher, the stronger we feel the meteosensitivity. How it is shown? And everything is simple, usually it is a headache, increase in arterial blood pressure, cardiac pains, difficulty in breath, sharp excitability and annoyance. Changes in a dream are often observed, or there is insomnia, or on the contrary, the increased drowsiness. The most frequent symptom – increase pressure which is characterized with cardiac pains, noise in ears and flashing of black dots before eyes.

It is proved that at hypersensibility there is a reorganization of an organism, especially in functioning of some bodies – a liver, a gall bladder and their reported system. There can be inflammatory phenomena which lead to bile outflow violation, emergence of stone structures. In the beginning it is imperceptible, but over the years the symptomatology worsens.

In fact speaking, such susceptibility bears in itself a symptom of various diseases which is yours, that is a chronic disease to which your organism is subject. It can be diseases of heart, lungs, bones and joints, digestive organs, generally, as you understood – any body of an organism. And it is worth treating it about attentiveness as continuation can lead a disease and untimely treatment to deterioration in a state and emergence of various complications. So diagnostics to you in the help.

There are several methods which should be applied at such meteosensitivity:

  • • In such time try not to carry out heavy physical activities - sports activities, a household or just tiresome work. Postpone it to quieter period.
  • Use such products as vegetable and animal fats, smoked products, farinaceous food and sweet less. Try to eat more greens and fresh fruit.

LifeGid recommends: Than fresh greens are useful?

  • • Use methods of traditional medicine, in particular pharmacology. Drink the calming broths, teas or tinctures which will give you confidence and tranquility.
  • • Do not forget about morning exercises after which surely take a cool or warm shower.
  • • Do not forget about evening walks before going to bed.
  • • And the most important, avoid stressful and conflict situations.

In fact, all these councils are the correct technique to introduction of your organism in correct and a healthy lifestyle. To it also conduct all councils and the principles. Yes, it is difficult, but it is always possible to stop and eradicate all addictions and preferences. Try, try and everything will turn out. Not at once, but gradually. Also do not wait for fast results, everything becomes gradually. The main thing – do not change your speed.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
