What products contain vitamin C and for what it is necessary to an organism

What products contain vitamin C and for what it is necessary to an organism

Since the childhood the truth is known to all: the best cold medicine — vitamin C (its chemical name — the L isomer of ascorbic acid). Therefore tea with a lemon and raspberry jam is the foremost medicine at the slightest symptoms of a disease. Whether this statement is true, we also will try to understand.

Useful properties

Ascorbic acid really has the mass of useful qualities from which it is possible to distinguish such:

  • is important in oxidation-reduction processes of an organism. These are the main processes thanks to which there is a stock and allocation of the energy necessary for activity of the person;

The hemorrhagic stroke will help to prevent vitamin C.

  • takes part in collagen synthesis. Collagen, in turn, is responsible for elasticity of cages, does a form our organism. Such property of ascorbic acid does it by irreplaceable means for health of skin and hair. Collagen slows down formation of wrinkles, protecting structure of a cage and giving to elasticity skin that is especially relevant for women;
  • has positive impact on functioning of a thyroid gland and production of steroid hormones. It is difficult to overestimate a role of hormones in the correct work of an organism;
  • well influences blood formation. Without ascorbic acid iron normally is not acquired;
  • is very strong antioxidant. This quality helps immunity to resist to viruses and bacteria;
  • takes active part in processes of a metabolism; [/lyi]
  • well influences the wall thickness of vessels. All our vessels from the thinnest capillaries to arteries thanks to ascorbic acid gain necessary flexibility and elasticity;
  • deletes from an organism free radicals. A conclusion of radicals reduces risk of development of oncology;
  • normalizes functioning of nervous system;
  • increases protective functions of an organism. This property of ascorbic acid is irreplaceable at colds and a SARS;
  • takes part cholesterol at a distance. Thus, reduces risk of developing of heart attacks and strokes, one of the reasons of which is cholesterol;
  • promotes the fastest healing of injuries of an integument;
  • helps to bring heavy metals out of an organism. The most part from them are toxic, having property to collect in fabrics of our organism, can become the cause of poisonings.

Whether you know? The international index of nutritional supplements of ascorbic acid E300.

Where contains

Vitamin C content in various products (on 100 g):

  • dogrose — 650 mg;
  • sea-buckthorn — 200 mg;
  • paprika — 200 mg;
  • blackcurrant — 200 mg;
  • kiwi — 182 mg;
  • dried cepes — 148 mg;
  • parsley — 153 mg;
  • Brussels sprout — 100 mg;
  • fennel — 100 mg;
  • broccoli cabbage — 92 mg;
  • cauliflower — 70 mg;
  • mountain ash red — 70 mg;
  • garden cress — 68 mg;
  • orange — 61 mg;
  • wild strawberry — 60 mg;
  • red cabbage — 60 mg.
  • papaya — 58 mg;
  • pomelo — 57 mg.

Important! The women accepting oral contraceptives need to increase a vitamin C dosage as at them in blood the concentration of this substance is reduced.

Consumption rate in day

The normal dose of vitamin C fluctuates around 50-100 mg every day, on average 70 mg. However it is necessary to consider a sex, age and other circumstances, such as climatic conditions, work, addictions.

Study the necessary number of consumption of vitamin C for different age categories.

For example, in the conditions of the North or a tropical heat the norm increases by 25-30% and can reach 0.25 g. Sick people or smokers have to increase an antiscorbutic vitamin dose by 30 mg daily.

Features of the use of vitamin C:

  • hypovitaminosis of ascorbic acid at men can lead to the low density of spermatozoa and to their small activity, that is to loss of ability to conception (first of all it concerns smokers). In case of the daily use of 70-100 mg of antiscorbutic vitamin the fertility is usually restored;
  • at women the shortage of vitamin C first of all is reflected in the general state: the weakness and fatigue is observed. Can bleed a gum, the elasticity of skin is lost, the fragility of hair increases, at the same time they tarnish. Women for normal health have enough 50-80 mg of antiscorbutic vitamin every day;
  • vitamin is necessary for children, first of all, for the normal growth of bones, blood formation and maintenance of immunity. It is necessary to check that at the child's diet daily there were 35-70 mg of ascorbic acid;
  • in order to avoid a SARS and cold (especially during the corresponding autumn and winter period) the daily dosage should be raised to 200 mg and in case you are a smoker, to increase by 3 times — up to 400-450 mg. Such dosage can become not only good prophylactic, but also quickly put on legs of already sick person;
  • during pregnancy, vitamin C is necessary for formation of the collagen necessary for formation of connecting fabric of a fruit. Daily norm in that case — not less than 90 mg;
  • one more group of people who should pay special attention to ascorbic acid in the diet — the athletes and people doing hard manual work. Active participation in oxidation-reduction processes (are responsible for power exchange), hormonal processes and in synthesis of protein do it irreplaceable for the people experiencing heavy physical activities. The recommended daily dose — 100-500 mg.

Whether you know? The most part of animals, unlike the person, can produce vitamin C independently.


Unique symptoms on which it is possible to establish unmistakably that it is hypovitaminosis do not exist. The same symptoms can be shown also at other diseases. However there are signs, typical for this case:

  • weakness, fast fatigue, apathy;
  • decline of intellectual and physical activity;
  • weak immunity, as a result — long not healing slight wounds, appearance of sores, the long recovery period after a disease;
  • constant feeling of cold, chill;
  • small appetite;
  • irritability and irascibility;
  • bad dream or, on the contrary, drowsiness;
  • dejectedness;
  • pain in lumbar department and legs;
  • tachycardia.

Hypovitaminosis comes at chronic deficiency of vitamin C within 4-12 weeks. In 12-24 weeks the scurvy begins. In that case treatment one — completion of deficiency of vitamin. It is necessary to correct the diet, to enter polyvitamins, the doctor can appoint the medicine Tsevikal.

Learn, than the overdose is dangerous by vitamin C.


Gipervitaminoz, or big overdose, can cause the following complications:

  • diarrhea;
  • some people have no enzyme of glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase. For them the overdose of ascorbic acid is fraught with destruction of erythrocytes therefore they come out hemoglobin. This phenomenon is called hemolysis;
  • it is necessary to take with caution vitamin C to people at whom blood clotting and also to pregnant women is increased;
  • ascorbic acid influences production of insulin so the people having diabetes should be limited to a small dosage.

In case of single overdose it is recommended to drink a large amount of water (antiscorbutic vitamin is well soluble in water, so, it is removed through kidneys) and to accept adsorbent (activated carbon).

It is important! If you cook with the closed cover, losses of vitamin C become 50% less in comparison with cooking without cover.

How to keep vitamin B products

Vitamin C in respect of safety is the most unstable among all the fellows. After the wrong preparation of products about 95% are lost. Cleaning of potato takes away 1/5 antiscorbutic vitamins. Sometimes people before the use wash out sauerkraut, losses are nearly a half.

Cooking in the alkaline environment moreover with air access, takes away almost all usefulness. So the pan should be closed densely, and it is better to acidify water slightly if it is appropriate.

Here some ways to keep vitamin B products:

  • contact with copper and iron is also contraindicated if you want to keep usefulness of a product;
  • askorbinoksilaza and an askorbinaza — enzymes of many plants. Their other name — antivitamins. Most actively enzymes work at a temperature of 30-50 °C, and is closer to boiling they lose force, from this it follows that it is better to put products in the boiling water;
  • also preparation time is important. Cabbage for half an hour of suppression loses 1/3 vitamins C, and in 60 minutes in it there are only 15% of initial contents. In case cabbage cooks (in borsch), in it there are hardly 7% of ascorbic acid;
  • borsch in 3 hours of storage loses 80%, 6 hours later — 90%. In stewed cabbage in 60 minutes after preparation there is only a half from that amount of antiscorbutic vitamin which in it was right after preparation;
  • the repeated warming up of products completely kills residues of vitamin C;
  • at preservation of loss make up to 95% of initial contents;
  • in the crude salads made in advance ascorbic acid will not be too. Here the main responsibility lies on oxidation, antivitamins and beams of the sun. Very quickly the content of vitamin C falls at a defrosting though it is almost not lost at the return process — freezing.

VIDEO: HOW to KEEP VITAMINS B PRODUCTS So the most reliable and easy way to keep vitamin C and to eat it — in crude vegetables and fruit.

Whether you know? Content of ascorbic acid in the frozen products is frequent above, than in fresh.

In what look it is better to use

Most of all vitamin C remains, of course, in fresh, not undergone heat treatment, products.

The correct cooking (shorter time, densely closed cover and light acidic environment if it is possible) also keeps a lot of vitamin C, especially if to eat a dish right after preparation.

Learn in what products most of all contains vitamin B, K, N, PP, F, A, E.

A lot of vitamin C remains in whole dried fruits if they were cut, it is practically not there.

Drying is considered nearly the best way of processing and preservation of products. The most part of useful properties not just remains, and that practically all water leaves a product, concentration only increases. An example — dried persimmon. In it very high content of vitamin C. In this case, as it was already told, the main thing that the product underwent drying process integral, it should not be cut.

Important! Vitamins are divided into two groups: those which are dissolved in water and which are soluble in fat. Vitamin C belongs to water-soluble. It is very quickly acquired in an organism, normalizes activity processes, gets into kidneys and is removed through an urinogenital system, disinfecting it at the same time and interfering with inflammations.

If to choose from above-mentioned conditions of a product bringing the greatest benefit, then it is, certainly, a fresh fruit (vegetable, berry). It should not be cut (for example if this apple) and long to lie. Though it is quite frequent when drying or drying the content of ascorbic acid in fresh products will be lower, than in the same mass of dried (dried). Only it is necessary to remember, it is only about the whole fruits, not cut.

As for cooking, there is least of all usefulness here, but also at the correct processing, especially if there are no other options, it is possible to keep a considerable part of ascorbic acid.

From all aforesaid it is possible to draw a conclusion that our grandmothers and mothers were in many respects right when they forced us to drink in the spring a dogrose in order to avoid avitaminosis. Vitamin C really has the mass of useful, unique qualities though, of course, is not a panacea from all diseases.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
