problem of locks, unfortunately, is familiar not only to adults, but also kids. All know that children who are fed with mix unlike children on breastfeeding, have a different chair: it is rather more rare, is more created, sometimes even reminds a chair of adults. A chair of the child which eats a chest milk in the first weeks kashepodobny and frequent, after each practically acceptance of food. The first months of depletion are possible only once for several days, but the consistence does not change – and it is norm as breast milk is acquired better, than mix.
Standard there is a definition that the lock is a delay of depletions if the chair is absent during long time. For children of hectare the first year of life the lock is considered, when there is no chair it is more, than two days. For children from one to three years are regarded by a lock lack of a chair more rare three once a week. But so, it is necessary to consider also the nature of food of the child, his heredity.
If the chair of the child of normal consistence, but only not regular, at the same time the child perfectly feels, is active, with good appetite, then it is just its special physiological norm.
If the child has a regular chair, but at the same time the campaign in a toilet is followed by pains, excessive tension, concern, the child cries, and kcal too dense, it is a lock.
And here medicines from locks can be considered it on the website
be the reason: the shortage of amount of liquid in a children's diet, malnutrition, immaturity on age of digestive organs and nervous regulation of a GIT at children on the first year of their life, a stress, the postponed disease, uncontrolled intake of some medicines, frequent use by parents of enemas and the weakening means.
Very important to parents to monitor work of an intestinal path of the kid. For maintenance of a normal chair at the child it is necessary to feed rationally, to correctly enter new products, to moderately give active classes (charging, swimming), to do massage, to keep the quiet atmosphere in family.
If the child had a lock, then it is not necessary to take long and uncontrolledly poslablyayushchy medicine, it can threaten with dysbacteriosis. In this case the main thing to restore normal work of intestines as healthy nutrition. It is necessary to give a lot of water, it is better crude, than boiled, to watch the rate of set of weight. If the child eats dairy mixes, it is necessary to choose a product of the known checked producers in specialized places, it is better to avoid the spontaneous markets to avoid purchase not of a quality product for the kid. It - the most precious and invaluable in our life!