Metal siding - profile panels of rolled galvanized steel with specialized protecting cover. When choosing thickness and length of sheet, the invoice, covering material is considered. Special attention is paid to the producer.
The metal siding is one of the most popular. It is used for residential buildings and industrial buildings. It is applied at any temperature conditions and meets all fire safety requirements, has resistance to hostile environment, it is easily mounted. But it is not always simple to make right choice.
Council No. 1: decide on type of siding
Various types are presented at the market. All of them are made on the basis of aluminum or steel. On design and assembly features allocate:
- Has the increased durability, long term of operation.
- Represents rectangular panels which are joined among themselves. Has the increased moisture resistance, can have the invoice under brick or natural stone.
- It can be issued under natural materials. It is ideal for external works.
- Is suitable for registration of ceilings of the closed and open designs.
- With heater. It is made in the form of the cartridge where external and inside layer – metal between which sheets there is heater.
Council No. 2: reveal the necessary parameters
Length of sheets varies from 50 cm to 6 m. This parameter is selected depending on the area of the covered surface. The biggest sizes are relevant for arrangement of facade of country house. Width often is 22.5 cm if the siding does not become by the individual order.
Thickness can vary from 0.46 to 0, 65 mm. This indicator can be identical on all length. You should not stop the choice on thicker options as over time cracks on the panel can appear. The analysis of parameter is carried out on side cut.
Council No. 3: study all elements of panels
All elements have to be the identical size and form. If at cloths the deviation in dimensions of parts of locks is noted, it will be difficult to establish finishing without involvement of professionals. Check ease of snapping of locks, test sample on plasticity. For this purpose the oversized piece should be bent in the thinnest place. If the cloth has broken on bend, has become covered by cracks it means that the producer has saved on softeners.
Council No. 4: in advance study the rating of producers
Experts recommend to buy materials of well-known companies which have taken the place in the market for a long time. Quality of their products higher. Remember that any siding burns out under the influence of ultraviolet rays over time. At Canadian this process begins approximately in 10 years, and at domestic – in 5 years. Cheap types should be updated in 1-2 years.
At production of iron sheets the producers watching the reputation use the dyes containing dioxide of the titan. This chemical protects surfaces from solar influence. It costs much that always affects the cost of the final product.
Council No. 5: For economy of means correctly make calculation of siding and spare parts
For optimization of calculations you will choose metal siding type, learn its sizes and parameters of accessories. Measure length and height of walls, socle, apertures, corners. Thanks to these characteristics it is possible to define how many ranks will be. For this purpose wall height is divided into the operating height of each strip. The number of panels multiply by quantity of rows. Calculation in places where there are apertures is separately made.
Council No. 6: specify production material
The metal siding happens:
- metalplastic;
- aluminum;
The greatest distribution is metalplastic. It has small cost, has good esthetic characteristics. Aluminum it is considered the safest and fire-resistant, but its price 10 times more other types.
Council No. 7: think over what covering the siding has to have
The majority of the siding presented at the market has polymeric covering. The last can be smooth or pro-thinned out. Each producer to seek to create the unique covering. Popular are:
- Inexpensive material with glossy and opaque surface, covering usually has thickness of 35 microns.
- Gives the chance to create the imprinted invoice. It is susceptible to the increased temperatures.
- One of the most modern types. Possesses high rates to fading. Has additional anticorrosion properties.
- Has glossy surface, it is considered the most durable material. Thanks to process of self-cleaning is ideal for front works.
Council No. 8: correctly pick up color gamma
Basic colors of metal panels there are about 20. Depending on shade the material cost depends. Panels of dark tones are more expensive light as they heat up under the influence of sunshine more intensively, demand the strengthened protection against burning out. It is reached for the account addition in raw materials of special additives.
Cherry color is popular, it not brands, well contrasts with natural landscapes. The brown shade creates effect of "chocolate walls". Blue tone look safely, give to the house contrast against the background of greens or snow-covered landscapes.
Council No. 9: whether imitation of natural materials is necessary to you
Finishing material under tree is more often applied to exterior finish of owner-occupied dwellings and buildings. Such constructions look solidly. Not less effectively the fences covered with metal siding with the stone invoice look. The most expensive material for construction of the house the brick is considered therefore finishing under this material will allow to give to solidity construction.
Council No. 10: for external works choose the warmed siding
It will allow not only to simplify installation works, but also to cut down costs. Upon its purchase there will be no need to get thermal insulation or in addition to make mounting of counterfurring. The metal type is calculated on the long term of operation. That there were no cold bridges, the normal angle section should be replaced with warmed too.