The design of aquarium demands the accurate concept. Before setting to work and waking in yourself the aquarian designer, define style to which you will follow. Most often preference is given to natural, park, open and Dutch style. Each of them has the features of placement of elements in aquarium and will be appropriate at any given area.
Natural style
At first establish aquarium on the constant place and fill up soil. Color of soil is not basic, however it is better to give preference in natural style to natural shades.
Such decorative element as stones, it is possible to prepare independently. But before to use them, check availability of lime in structure. Acetic acid will help to cope with this task if the drop of acid leads to hissing, so the stone will be able to do much harm to your aquarian inhabitants and it is better to move away him. Use stones of identical structure, it can be the rounded cobble-stones or rocky breed. The quantity of big stones is defined by the size of aquarium and varies ranging from 3 up to 7, it is desirable to use odd quantity.
Before installation of big stones collect soil in hillocks in which drown stone. It is possible to achieve naturalness from high stones thanks to their arrangement under inclination. For landing of plants pour water into aquarium so that it covered soil. It is possible to receive attractive design only at term of use not less than three plant species which will have various height. Land the lowest representatives ahead, high – behind. In far corners where there is not enough light, plant yarrow and valisneriya American. In the center of distant wall – to limnofil, on each side front wall - Wendt's kriptokorina and the Thai fern. If the snag is involved in design, decorate it with the Javanese moss.
Features of registration of aquariums of various styles
The Dutch style assumes use of large number of vegetation. Not less than 10-12 types which form beautiful and magnificent thickets have to lodge in your aquarium. It is also necessary to pick up several stem plants. Psevdomor - the style capable to recreate beauty of sea reef in aquarium. For its realization use white corals, stones and sinks which are combined with blue and red color. Soil is formed of natural marble crumb of white or light gray color. The back wall is decorated film of monophonic blue or black color. Use of landscape subject of sea floor will be appropriate. When choosing fishes preference should be given to the types tolerant to hard water. Bright African tsikhlida, raduzhnitsa and viviparous karpozuby are among those. If in aquarium the small fishes who do not have bright color are already acquired apistogramma and cornflower-blue haplokhromisa which against the background of white soil, grayish corals and bright blue and red seaweed create picturesque picture will help "to decorate" design.