All know that in canisters at long use there is rust which to remove then very much and very not easy. There are several effective ways which help to get rid of rust on canister.
1. To clean canister from traces of rust there is set of various ways, here several most effective.
2. Way first. Take canister and wash it by means of washing powder automatic machine (that which is intended for use in washing machines). Pay attention that if you use powder for hand wash, then there will be too big foaming, and process of washing away of this foam of canister will take away lot of time from you.
3. Then take orthophosphoric acid and also process canister. It is also possible to use and weak solution chamois accumulator of acid, but in this case strictly you monitor process as acid together with rust can eat and metal, also cleaned its surface demands special protection, otherwise very quickly again will become covered with rust.
4. Way second. Use hydrochloric acid inhibited urotropin (pinch of the dry pounded fuel), also try formaldehyde (or as it still call formalin). This way allows to spare metal, but at the same time will remove rust. After all manipulations with chemicals wash canister with water. For additional protection against further emergence of rust use solution of phosphoric acid, as a result you receive dense layer of phosphate of iron.
5. Way third. Pour in canister for the night weak solution of citric acid (is on sale in any shop). You dissolve acid in the ratio one hundred-gram bag on 20 liters of normal water. After that wash canister with water and dry up (for these purposes use compressed air better). To provide to canister further protection use epoxy resin with hardener. Just fly it in kanitsra, properly shake up and pour out surplus.
6. Way fourth. They say that normal Coca-Cola perfectly copes with rust. Mix 4 liters of Coca and citric acid and fill in the turned-out structure in canister. After that fill in weak solution of rzhavchinopreobrazovatel for half an hour.