Most often in owner-occupied dwellings and apartments the buried wiring which purpose is to make wires slozhnodostupny and imperceptible is used. Therefore even simple repair will cause some problems when determining the buried wiring.
It is required to you
- - microphone;
- - earphones;
- - tape recorder, player with function karaoke, the audio system or the computer;
- - any household appliance – the iron, the razor, teapot, lamp and t.p;
- - simple pencil.
1. First of all connect the microphone to the device which will perform functions of removal and reproduction of signal. In this case the computer, the audio system, the tape recorder or even player with function of karaoke best of all will approach. Of course, it is the most convenient to use player as other devices have considerable weight, and you will not be able to lift them on the necessary height for search of all cable. The important nuance – the microphone has to be dynamic, like bobbin and to consist of 500 rounds.
2. Turn on the device on the record mode, at the same time the sound should be made the maximum loudness.
3. Put on earphones not to be distracted by extraneous noise. It is possible to do also without those, but in them the rumble at wiring ""pro-ring"" will be better heard.
4. Slowly you drive the microphone on wall. In those places where wires are put, from loudspeakers the rumble will be clearly heard. If the microphone to take aside from the expected place of passing of the route of the buried wiring, then the rumble will weaken.
5. To increase efficiency of check, it is possible to make the following - if such is near is available, to turn on any, disposed, household appliance (the iron, the hair dryer, the razor) in the socket.
6. Note simple pencil of the venue of wiring. So it will be visible the route of the buried wiring after "pro-ring" better.