The curtains which are picked up in tone of furniture and to the general interior of the house is indispensable attribute in design of the dwelling. Care for curtains has important value because they collect and parts of dust detain. Timely care for curtains will keep your house from excess dust and will give to housing cosiness and appeal.
1. Care for curtains can be carried out in several steps. Airing happens in the natural way, at the windows opened wide open, it is desirable in windy weather. It becomes within several hours, in cool weather when air is clean and damp. It becomes time in 2 months. Such way is simply ideal for curtains from whimsical materials which are not recommended to be erased and cleaned often chemical means.
2. Cleaning by the vacuum cleaner takes place by means of special brush nozzle on the slow mode. For this purpose it is possible to sew special nozzle on the vacuum cleaner to soften friction of nozzle about curtains.
3. Dry cleaning of curtains needs to be done only in specialized places, with use of the chemicals which are not spoiling fabric. This way is suitable for curtains of difficult breed or made of gentle fabrics.
4. Well, and at last, simple washing of curtains. It is both manual, and machine. Curtains are separated on quality of materials depending on which the washing type is defined. The special attention is deserved by curtains on eyelets. Before to erase them, it is necessary to make sure that fabric will sustain machine wash, and eyelets are made of quality material and also will not be damaged in the machine.
5. Washing in the machine is carried out on the sparing mode, having wrapped curtains in special bag or pillowcase. It will prevent damage of material and will keep the washing machine drum from mechanical damages. It is necessary to notice that it is better not to use plain laundry detergent, it is possible to apply special shampoos. It will prevent emergence of stains on fabric.
6. After the curtain is washed, it in damp state needs to be hung up on eaves. It will finish under gravity and will be straightened. But it is suitable only for materials which are not really rumpled, in other case it is necessary to dry curtains in the place, protected from sunshine, and then to steam the iron.
7. If machine wash "is contraindicated" to your curtains with eyelets, then it is necessary to work as hands and, having wetted curtain at several o'clock, to properly rinse it.