Cultivation of unusually useful and tasty oyster mushroom (Latin of Pleurotus) in house or industrial conditions becomes easily feasible if to follow certain rules of technology of cultivation of these mushrooms.
It is required to you
- - straw, pod of sunflower or sawdust
- - mycelium
1. To grow up oyster mushroom mycelium, provide indoors where mushrooms the necessary parameters of temperature, illumination and humidity will grow. Unlike champignons, the oyster mushroom is not so exacting to exact respect for these characteristics, but nevertheless their optimum combination will allow to receive bigger harvest.
2. Prepare substrate which can be straw, pod of sunflower or sawdust. Crush substrate to the sizes of 2-5 cm by means of the industrial grinder. In house conditions it can be done the axe. It is possible to grow up mushrooms and on not crushed substrate, but in this case prorashchivaniye time increases.
3. Now carry out heat treatment of substrate. For this purpose lay straw in bags (it is possible polypropylene) and lower them in heated to 70? About water. That bags have been completely covered with water, put on them oppression. Keep bags with substrate in hot water within 3 hours then suspend them for 12-15 hours in order that surplus of water has flown down, and substrate has cooled down.
4. The next stage is very important if you want to grow up correctly mycelium of oyster mushroom and to receive good harvest. Before sowing of mycelium disinfect all ware which you are going to use and also gloves in which you will work. You carry out disinfection with formalin solution use. Substrate temperature before sowing has to be less than 30? Page.
5. Tear off part of mycelium and evenly mix with substrate in proportions 300 grams of mycelium on 10 kg of the moistened substrate. Lay the sowed substrate in plastic bag and densely tie it. In order that excess water has flown down, make in the bottom of each bag from two parties of opening. Otherwise your substrate can decay. The packed bags with substrate, sowed by oyster mushroom mycelium, place in incubator in which temperature from 18 to 22 is maintained? Page.
6. During incubation period which lasts 14-20 days temperature has to be stable, the humidity of 70-80%, lighting is not required. In 3-4 days after seeding of mycelium make on both sides of bag in chessboard order equally spaced 5-6 vertical cuts: through these openings will sprout mushrooms and they should not interfere with each other. 2-3 weeks later you will be able already to reap the first crop.