There are plants about which it is possible to tell: "Has thrust stick to the earth – the tree has grown". Unfortunately, eggplant not from their number. This whimsical plant. To grow up eggplant, it is necessary to put a lot of effort, to carry out many actions with seeds and seedling.
As practice shows, from bad seeds get prettier seedlings will not leave. Therefore it is worth paying attention to quality and properties of those seeds which you buy. There are several cunnings.
High-yielding grades are very exacting to conditions of the existence and it is worth taking them in case you are sure that you will be able to provide them the correct care at which they will be able to disclose "abilities" completely. Otherwise there will be not enough harvest.
The shop can suggest to buy hybrids. They exceed the "normal" fellows practically on all characteristics, but are absolutely unsuitable for seed farming therefore to collect from them seeds is useless – they are impractical. Before buying seeds of certain producer, read comments on them, talk to other gardeners. Not all companies are clean on hand and often do not keep the promises.
Landing and expectation of shoots
For a start it is necessary to prepare soil. It can be bought in shop or to prepare independently (for this purpose it is necessary to mix peat, humus and sand in proportions 4:3:1). Then it is necessary to flood the soil with water that it has become impregnated with moisture. After that it is possible to spread seeds. They need to be "drowned" in soil on 0.5 cm, and the distance between them has to make 1.5-2 cm. After disembarkation the seeds need heat therefore they should be covered with film and to put on windowsill. Ideal temperature is +28C. The film can be removed when seeds sprout. Seedlings badly react to the dry soil therefore it is necessary to water them regularly. You watch that the soil was damp, but do not go too far, from large amount of moisture of advantage is not present. Experienced gardeners have one small secret: to humidify the soil with melt water (if such opportunity is). It will make seedling stronger and resistant to cold weather. But it is so possible to do only before emergence of sprouts.
Care for germinated seeds
It is necessary to begin to feed up plant. It will be most correct to buy mix in shop because in house conditions to receive the correct fertilizer it is extremely difficult. And when using fertilizing it is not necessary to water eggplant. You watch that leaves of the next eggplants did not concern each other: the plant of it is not loved. Provide as much as possible sunlight, then the plant will quicker develop. And in general, eggplant - very photophilous plant. That seedlings quickly adapted to life "out of pot", that is to the greenhouse or the open ground, it is worth carrying out the procedure of hardening: at temperature above +15C to take out them on the street, gradually increasing time of "walk". It is possible to begin from 10-15 minutes. It is possible to plant seedling in soil in 50-70 days after emergence of shoots.