Tariffs for use of various household services raise – and natural gas which is brought to the majority of multifamily houses is not exception of the rising in price resources. It is possible to save means which you spend for gas by installation of gasometer in the apartment. In this article we will tell how there takes place installation process of the counter in normal multifamily house.
1. For a start address management company on place of residence to receive consent to installation of the new gas equipment. Go with the signed permission to regional gas point that have provided you the project of the gas equipment and specifications demanded for installation of the counter.
2. Then order the new project of the gas equipment of the apartment taking into account installation of future gasometer. Bring the new project in gas point that have provided you the necessary equipment list for installation of the counter.
3. Also before installation you have to cause on the house of the master for inspection of the available gas equipment. The master will prompt what type of the counter you need to buy.
4. Now, after you have submitted the application for sealing of the counter and have taken all necessary references in gas management, the moment of purchase of the counter has come. Buy the equipment which type to you was prompted by the master, and call the master for installation of the counter.
5. On installation time of the counter and welding the master will disconnect for some time all gas strut for safety at installation. After that seal the counter and carry the reference in gas management that it is necessary to carry out recalculation of payment for gas.
6. From this point the gas meter in your house is installed. From next month the payment for gas from you will be removed according to the counter and its indicators. After installation you can not touch the counter before planned inspection which will come in several years.