How to keep longer fir-tree

How to keep longer fir-tree

The fresh smell of needles and tangerines casts childhood memories and adjusts on positive harmony, and the good mood is important at any age. To longer keep the green fragrant beauty that she has endured all long New Year's holidays, it is possible, following several rules.

It is required to you

  • Fir-tree, bank sand, potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), water, wide-necked ware or special support under fir-tree, activated carbon, urea, glycerin, granulated sugar, salt, honey, copper wire or coins, aspirin tablets.


1. Fir-tree that's right! select is necessary, then it will lose the needles not at once. The freshly-cut fir-tree of needle of dark green color, on bark of trunk and branches has no mouldy spots and fungus. Fresh coniferous branches elastic and if to knock with tree trunk about the earth or to shake branches, then needles are not showered.

2. Having brought fir-tree from frosty street market home, take it in the cool room, for example, on loggia that the tree was not showered from sharp temperature drop, having got to your warm apartment.

3. Before installation of tree in capacity chop off the lower branches, smooth out trunk from bark on 10 cm from felling to increase contact of fresh time with nutrient medium.

4. Place fir-tree in bucket or deep pan with bank sand. Sand has to be constantly moistened with water. In water it is possible to dissolve several chips of potassium permanganate.

5. For the fir-tree established in support with the tank for water there are several options of nutritious solutions which need to be added as the tree absorbs them. Dissolve activated carbon in water, add 2 tablespoons of sugar or honey. Make the solution consisting of 3 l of water, 6 g of gelatin, 16 g of chalk in powder and 1 St of spoon of lemon juice. If to put in liquid several pieces of sugar, copper coins or conductings, then the fir-tree can stay very long. Add on urea teaspoon water ½ bucket. If there is no urea, then buy vial of glycerin in pharmacy and add 3 St of spoon to solution. Add sugar syrup and small pinch of salt to the container with water.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
