How to make up quickly eyes

How to make up quickly eyes

emphasize depth and appeal of the eyes, it is necessary to do make-up competently. And in some situations it is important to be able not only qualitatively, but also to quickly make eyes irresistible.


  1. One of the main moments when drawing make-up is correctly picked up cosmetics. Choose shadows depending on color of eyes. If you are owner of blue or gray eyes, give preference to quiet, pastel tones If you have dark eyes, make up them shadows of contrast, saturated shade. The pencil has to be thin and soft, and here ink can be any, depending on your preferences.
  2. Before doing make-up, prepare previously skin. For this purpose at first purify it, apply the moisturizing cream and wait that it was well absorbed. Disguise dark circles under eyes the proofreader. Powder upper eyelids a little.
  3. Use eye shadow pencil. Draw accurate and flat line, beginning from internal corner of eye as it is possible closer to edge of eyelashes. You can finish the line at outer edge of eye or you can make arrows, having removed the line is slightly farther than outer edge. Instead of pencil you can use also eyeliner, but to draw arrows with it, it is necessary to have certain skills.
  4. Now put shadows. It is possible to make it either special brush, or Q-tip, or just finger. Select shadows depending on type of your skin. If it fat, you suit dry friable. If dry, give preference to liquid, dense shadows. You put tone in the sequence from the lightest to the most dark. Shadows of dark shades make up external corners of eyes, and internal and part of century under eyebrows lighten. Such make-up will make your look deeper and expressive.
  5. Impose mascara in the latest turn. Put it in two layers better, it you will reach the best effect and long term of make-up. Surely comb eyelashes special brush and tighten up if desired.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
