How to pay less for the electric power

How to pay less for the electric power

Price of electricity directly depends on the fuel cost which does not cease to grow as reserves of energy resources are strongly limited. To the person, especially family to save not always it turns out therefore it is worth finding the ways of decrease in electricity consumption in the house which are not bringing damage to comfortable use of electric devices.


1. Install the many and tariff counter. And shortly you will notice that the means spent for its installation with ease will pay off. Such counter considers electricity consumption depending on time of day. As a rule, at night the price of the consumed electric power falls almost twice, and at the expense of it accounts for electricity as a result decrease. The effect that will be higher, than more you consume the electric power at night.

2. When planning purchases of the equipment try to pay attention to class of energy efficiency and characteristic. Devices of classes "A", "AA" and "AAA" have the best performance and smaller consumption of energy. The cost of such goods considerably will pay off in the long term uses. Choose the dimensions of household appliances answering to the sizes of your house. Use the "economic" mode when using all equipment in your house. Being going to erase, load always the full machine. Only at gross contaminations choose high temperature of washing.

3. Remember that it is impossible to install refrigerating devices near heat sources. It will force to work the device in the emergency mode that will lead to excess expenses of the electric power. Avoid unnecessary opening of doors of the fridge, do not put inside objects with temperature above room.

4. In due time switch off not used electric devices: TV, computer and lighting equipment. Office equipment – printers and scanners should be switched off completely as in waiting mode they also consume energy. Do not leave adapters in sockets: charging devices for batteries, cell phones. Always turn off the light where it is not necessary. We advise to avoid bright light. For example lamps use much less energy, than big chandelier.

5. Use energy saving bulbs. They serve by 10 times longer and consume 4 times less electric power in comparison with normal. Also, these bulbs practically do not heat up, the spent energy leaves only on lighting, and the term of their service reaches three years.

6. If you have in the house electric stove, then it is necessary to choose correctly ware for cooking. Its bottom has to be equal, and diameter has to coincide with diameter of rings. When cooking as seldom as possible open cover, and after boiling of water reduce heating force. Switch off plate in several minutes until ready of dish. It will be cooked longer on the cooling-down plate. Not always there is need for the electric kettle - it can be replaced normal. And if you have gas-fire whether it is worth being spent for the multicooker? There is a number of household appliances which consume a lot of electric power, but in life are not so necessary.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
