How to smoke wasps

How to smoke wasps

Not only threatens with stings and damage of berry fruits will turn back the neighbourhood on the seasonal dacha with wasps. Wasps, have good "construction" skills, and therefore are capable to build beehive where it is necessary for them, and they preserve the dwelling better than any dog. They can lodge and in brickwork of walls, slowly destroying it. To get rid of uninvited neighbors not easy.


1. August for summer residents and gardeners becomes month not only hard work on harvesting, but also the strengthened fight against wasps. As a rule, in hot summer months of wasps it is almost not noticeable, they migrate during all daylight hours and return "to billeting" in laboriously built beehive which are not noticeable until the swarm does not expand. It is worth expecting appearance of osiny family to those gardeners who have decided to break vineyards. Wasps love grape berries, and therefore will fly on smell. Will attract wasps and bushes of raspberry and also abundance of currant. Apples and pears in itself do not interest insects, but here if the gardener does not move away them in time and fruits will crack, the swarm will arrive during couple of days. And wasps have feature to remember location of food and even if this year you will not see problem with swarm, then in the following it will surely arrive and, believe, will remain.

2. That wasps have not chosen your garden, cover bushes and fruit-trees during maturing of fruits with gauze grids, put wind-driven generators – designs which will flutter downwind and to frighten off insects.

3. Most often wasps lodge on roof, the attic or on verandahs. It is possible to find the slot on sound and if it has expanded (swarm big), then and to see with the naked eye. Usually slots in the top or bottom corner are under construction where there is good air flow, but there is no draft. Bright light is not necessary to wasps therefore the slot will be in shadow, or under something is hidden. The slot has leg, it something like the pressed hundreds, on leg, increasing to sphere form, the house is under construction: millions of corked hundreds.

4. The most dangerous time for fight against wasps – fall. In the fall of female of wasps are extremely aggressive, they defend the slot, and therefore even you should not approach the found swarm. Remember where you have found the slot, and leave it till spring. In the early spring, it is desirable on snow, just cut off the slot at the basis and burn. The same operation can be done and late fall, but then for safety cover previously the slot with dense fabric so that dozing wasps could not be chosen and bite the offender.

5. The wasps who have lodged in brickwork can be etched solution from the aktellik and tsipermetrin divorced on 5 milliliters in 10 liters of water. It is worth processing walls late evening, it is desirable to put on gloves. Use sprays. If there is opportunity something to cover the processed openings from the osiny courses, make it. The effect will be significantly higher. The known medicine "Fumitoks" and its analogs wasps are not terrible. Use chemicals, like Orrivo, Aktellik, Ambush, Fufanol, Sipaz, "Carbophos".

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
