At some ornamental plants in the basis of stalk tubers or bulbous tubers are formed. These are supplies of water and mineral substances which help flowers to winter normally. If tulips endure cold weather and in the open ground, then gladioluses and dahlias need to be helped. After blossoming their underground parts dig out till the next season. That the plant has again pleased you in rough color, learn to store tubers correctly.
It is required to you
- Carbophos
- Magnesium permanganate
- Water
- Garden knife
- Shovel
- Ashes
- Linen bags
- Paper
- Mix of sand and peat (or special filler)
- Clay
- The dry not freezing through basement
1. Dig out rhizomes of plants at the beginning of October, before frosts. Dahlias in September need to begin to be hilled to save root neck from cold. Do not forget to cut off all fulfilled peduncles for formation of good tuber at once. Before digging out future planting stock of the earth, cut off to plant leaves and create small stumps (5-10 cm).
2. Wet within 15-20 minutes the dug-out tubers and bulbous tubers in carbophos solution (powder matchbox on water bucket). It is possible to make "bath" for half an hour of the potassium permanganate divorced in water (solution has to be average on density - red color).
3. Put planting stock on drying in the dry warm room one layer. After it completely dries, separate from bulbous tubers of gladioluses small onions - "children" and dry stalk. Large tubers of dahlias should be separated into slightly small. Flower growers advise the place of cut to powder with ashes (pounded coal) to avoid emergence of fungus. Tubers from three weeks to one month dry.
4. Spread out bulbous tubers on linen sacks (it is possible to use for this purpose just old socks). It is better to store tubers of gladioluses in boxes with air access. On bottom lay paper and pour planting stock mix of peat and sand. Some gardeners replace it with special filler which is on sale in flower shops. The basis of gladioluses that they did not become wet and did not decay, grease with mix of clay and ashes.
5. Provide optimal conditions for storage of tubers. They should not freeze, but also drying will make planting stock unsuitable. The best place for them are regiments in the dry basement in which air temperature does not fluctuate higher than amplitude from 4 to 7 degrees.
6. Find all necessary information on way of cultivation of this look and grade of ornamental plant. The majority of bulbs and tubers of cultivated and house flowers can be kept in the above-stated ways. However in each case there can be nuances. And without diseases to live ability of rhizomes of plants to function normally up to spring, in many respects depends on the applied fertilizers and other conditions of keeping of garden.