Regiments in interior: glass, wall, angular, open designs

Regiments in interior: glass, wall, angular, open designs

Regiments always were and will be integral part of any interior. They perform several functions at once, are both esthetic, and practical addition of furniture. But interior trends change, and introduce the requirements to placement and use of open, glass, angular and wall shelves.

It is impossible just to beat the shelf on wall. It is necessary to choose the form corresponding to the general style of interior, materials, design. Only in this case the shelf will become its integral link, stylish ornament and the real functional addition. The furniture market offers huge number of shelves – different designs, from glass, plastic, in the form of the classical shelf for books, in non-standard decisions, in the form of rhombus, cascade. How to understand the assortment and to choose that from them which is suitable for the specific room, functions and style of interior?

What regiments – form, style, material happen

When choosing shelves make a start most often from their functional characteristics, but not from esthetic data, and it is vain. If to compare style of interior, the place of expected placement of shelves, their assignment with desirable form and design, then they can become the real decoration of the room. The furniture market offers the following views of shelves:

  • wall and floor,
  • suspended and angular,
  • modular and built-in,
  • under glass and opened,
  • folding and rack.

Most often in modern interiors in style of the classic, the modernist style, hi-tech and rural are used wall, angular, glass or open shelves. Current design trends allow to place regiments in the most unusual places – on clean wall, in pier, over sofas. The only rule to which it is recommended to adhere – material the form and color scheme of this element have to correspond to the general stylistics.

Wall shelves in interior

Classical regiments for fastening on wall – the simplest and most popular option. Them it is simple to fix, it is possible not to limit itself in the choice of form and design. From several modules it is possible to collect figure - "tree" or "cascade". It is possible to fix the only shelf on wall and to place on it interior accessories, having made it the predominating element.

Wall shelves can be in any room:

  • hall,
  • bathroom or bathroom,
  • living room,
  • to the bedroom and nursery.

It is possible to place on them anything. But if the shelf is fixed highly over floor, then it is not safe to put on it heavy objects. Besides, it is not recommended to place open wall shelves in children's rooms. Rugged modular constructions or racks, not high and steady will be suitable for these rooms more.

Wall shelves for the hall and bathroom have to be made of the materials resistant to sharp temperature drops and moisture. Such models will serve most long even at their active operation.

Angular regiments – how to choose and where to place

Angular options of shelves choose those who need extra space for storage of any things, objects or who needs to fill space. The interior with such designs looks stylish, complete and accurate, structured. Angular regiments can be used for any purposes – storages of books, placements of photos, objects for needlework, interior accessories and even for houseplants.

Regiments in corner can be created the hands from improvised materials – residues of chipboard or MDF, natural elements – branches or easy stone. It is necessary to think over the principle of their fastening – there will be they wall or modular floor. Angular open racks – optimal variant for those who like to rearrange furniture, and thus to make cardinal changes to interior stylistics.

Before buying angular regiments, it is worth estimating rationality of their use, to try to tie visually them to the place of expected placement, to think over that will stand on them what they have to be - open or under glass facade what color and from what materials.

Glass regiments or opened – how to choose

Glass regiments are umbrella term by which the designs made only of glass or normal regiments under transparent facade can be meant. The first option – the ideal decision for the living room issued in modernist style or hi-tech. The second option will be suitable for the bathroom or kitchen.

The regiments made of glass in the form of separate subject or rack have to have strong basis, it is desirable from metal. Wall glass shelves need to be placed on the special strong bars fixed by the long self-tapping screws installed in design with dowels, especially if wall from concrete.

Open regiments are the real flight for imagination. They can easily replace set for the small living room or the apartment of studio, with their help it is possible to differentiate space, to allocate work or children's area in the spacious room of the first floor of country house.

Practical house owners consider them "dust collectors", and the owner with imagination will always find in them the mass of pluses:

  • forming of organic and stylish space,
  • placement of huge number of objects,
  • creation of home library and its availability.

In hands of professional interior designers of the shelf of any type become magic subject. They can solve any problem with their help, both esthetic, and practical character. And everyone if approaches the choice of elements for it including shelves, it is responsible also with imagination can become the designer of the dwelling.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
