Tinctorial genista: cultivation, leaving, useful and medicinal properties

Tinctorial genista: cultivation, leaving, useful and medicinal properties

Bright yellow bushes of genista tinctorial quite often meet on seasonal dachas in midland as this plant does not demand special care and perfectly feels on the infertile earth. It is abundant the blossoming genista decorate the Alpine hills, borders, stony landscapes. Besides, the plant is long since used in medicine.

Get acquainted: tinctorial genista

Leaves and flowers of genista tinctorial were long since used for receiving bright yellow dye for wool and linen. From here and the speaking name. This plant is still actively used in economy: the French and Italians do rough fabric of its fibers, and in Transcaucasia the buds pickle like capers.

Meanwhile, seeds of this plant of family Bean cannot be eaten – they are poisonous! At the dacha it makes sense to grow up genista for decor, it it is abundant blossoms, and does not demand special care. Bushes in June 3-6 years later after landing blossom and please with the bright beauty up to 30-60 days. 

Today it is possible to find different grades of genista tinctorial:

- in bright yellow colors pleases with Plena;

- golden-orange - Royal Gold;

- red – Humilior.

Besides, there are dwarfish, compact and creeping types of genista. Regardless of grade, feature of cultivation of plants and care for them approximately identical.

Cultivation of genista

If to arrange bed with genista tinctorial on fertile soil, it is abundant to water – the plant can wither! It loves poor not sour soil, sandy and limy, with good drenazhy. It is necessary to put genista in the solar place as in shadow it will badly blossom. Good option – slope, the height.

In hole for landing of bush a little dry lime can fill, to make drainage sand layer and stones. Optimum soil – mix of peat and sand. For reproduction it is possible to cut off in June from top of stalk of healthy plant 15-centimeter shanks in advance and to remove the lower leaves.

The sapling needs to be dug in the moistened mix of peat and sand, to cover with capacity from glass or plastic. While the plant takes root, it needs to be aired and from time to time to water. If it is necessary to replace genista, it is necessary to do it until it is 3 years old. Further roots grow stronger, change seriously injures plant.

Reproduction of genista seeds is possible. For this purpose it is necessary to collect the grown brown not revealed beans in August, to dry up and to plant on 3 cm in depth in the prepared soil in the spring.

Care for genista tinctorial

It is necessary to water unpretentious genista only during severe drought. Weeds should be removed only for the sake of beauty as the plant perfectly feels even when sodding. The exception is made by only compact grades.

It is recommended to cover the earth around bushes with mulch from haydite, gravel. It is possible to feed up genista tinctorial wood ashes, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. The genista tinctorial does not need nitric fertilizing.

At registration of landscape it is admissible to form beautiful krone to bush as he normally transfers hairstyle. That the genista has violently blossomed in the next season, till fall it is possible to shear inflorescences and to cut escapes. Low-snow winters the genista does not love therefore it is better to cover it with oak leaves, fir twigs. On spring the sanitary cutting of branches is necessary is more senior than three years which have dried and the diseased.

Application of genista tinctorial in medicine

Useful properties of genista speak contained in plant:

- alkaloids;

- glycosides;

- tannins;

- organic acids;

- essential oils;

- flavonoids.

Today the official domestic medicine uses genista extracts as a part of medicines a little. In America, drugs on the basis of inflorescences of this bush are applied to treatment of tumors of GIT. Besides, scientists have proved that infusion of greens of genista helps at thyroid gland diseases. The plant has antibacterial, bile-expelling and vasoconstrictive properties.

There are experiments on use of genista tinctorial in treatment:

- hepatitis;

- dermatitis;

- bronchial asthma;

- rheumatism;

- rickets;

- to furunkuleza;

- hypostases;

- venereal diseases;

- bronchitis;

- hemorrhoids.


The genista tinctorial is poisonous! Its application is inside possible only under observation of the therapist and to contraindicated future mothers, children, cores.

Use in traditional medicine

The genista was most often used in the people for external application and rinsings in the form of infusions and broths thanks to the antibacterial properties, ability to struggle with skin sores. Sorcerers recommended broths of roots as malaria and jaundice medicine.

Fresh beans, flowers and foliage of genista were long since applied to lotions at callosities and warts. At scrofula, herpes practiced wipings by curative infusions and even baths from broth of all parts of bush.

For use of genista in the medical purposes during blossoming flowers, separately - land (with 15-centimeter stalk) and separately – underground parts of bush are made separately. After drying on fabric in shadow it is possible to store medicinal raw materials in boxes or linen sacks 1 year.

Infusion of genista tinctorial

 To fill in 25 g of dry grass of genista of 200 ml of the boiling water. To insist under cover of 2 h then to filter.

Broth of genista tinctorial

To boil 2 glasses of water, to add 15 g of grass and flowers of genista and to uvarit on steam bath on third of initial volume. To cool and filter.

Lotion against callosities and warts

Tinctorial to fill in 2 tablespoons of dry flowers and the same volume of fresh-gathered beans of genista with two glasses of vodka and to insist in the corked glass container week, periodically shaking up. To use the decanted tincture for lotions several times in day.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
