What is put on kitchen garden towards the winter

What is put on kitchen garden towards the winter

Many gardeners practice subwinter crops of vegetable cultures. The action has many pluses. One of main – receiving earlier harvest in the spring.

In what pluses of subwinter crops 

Some gardeners do not like to potter with landings of vegetable cultures at the end of season. And in vain, because, besides receiving early harvest, subwinter crops improve its quality. The seeds which have lain to the earth all winter have perfectly become tempered, have undergone so-called natural selection that is, plants will be healthier.  

At autumn crops it is possible not to worry about watering in case of droughty spring. As soon as snow thaws, seeds will bulk up and will amicably start in growth, using natural moisture when traditional crops usually only in plans.  

Subwinter young sprouts with smaller losses transfer spring cold weather. Early shoots are not subject to attack of some wreckers who did not leave at this time hibernation yet.   

How to prepare bed for subwinter crops 

Prepare the space for landings in advance. Choose the site higher that with arrival of spring the soil on it got warm quicker and dried out. It is important! The place where snow long does not descend and stands water, it does not do for subwinter crops. The soil has to be easy, heavy during the winter will strongly be condensed and will complicate emergence of shoots.   

Having chosen the successful place, dig over the soil and introduce fertilizers. Compost, humus, superphosphate, bone meal, ashes will approach.   

Terms of landing vary. Everything depends on type of culture and weather patterns.   

What to put in the fall on kitchen garden 

Most often gardeners practice subwinter landings of onions and garlic. These cultures perfectly approach for this purpose. Also it is possible to plant carrots, garden radish, beet and some types of greens in the fall.  

For subwinter landings choose resistant to cold, lack of lighting and formation of peduncles of grade. Pay attention to the period of maturing of cultures – they have to be early. 

Subwinter crops of onions 

Start landing of onions a month before approach of steady frosts. Optimum time – the end of September – the middle of October.  

Dig over future beds and bring ashes (200 g on 1 sq.m) and compost or humus (5-7 kg on 1 sq.m). Make grooves with distance of 15-20 cm from each other. Put onions: large – on depth of 5 cm, small – 2-3 cm. Maintain distance between planting stock – 5-6 cm.  

As soon as soil grabs small frost, cover beds with straw, dry tops of vegetable, fir twigs. On spring remove the shelter after the soil well thaws. 

Subwinter crops of garlic 

The suitable term of landing – the end of September. In case of warm fall plant garlic in 3 weeks prior to how cold weather will be established.  

Remove literally 3-5 cm of soil and spill the earth fungicide, for example fitosporiny or copper vitriol according to the instruction. Bury garlic cloves at 10-12 cm and powder with mix from sand and soil in proportion 1:2.  

Zamulchiruyte of bed dry peat, sawdust, straw. It will protect garlic in case of low-snow winter.  

Subwinter crops of carrots and beet 

The optimum period for landing – the end of November – the middle of December. At this time usually the earth is taken by easy frost.  

Prepare the place in advance, the soil has not frozen yet. Make grooves of 3-4 cm in depth, place seeds and powder with the dry earth.  

Cover landings with peat or compost. At the end of April cover beds with film to receive earlier harvest of carrots and beet.  

Subwinter crops of garden radish 

This culture has high cold constancy therefore you can start its crops after temperature falls up to 0 wasps. The suitable period – the middle of November – the beginning of December.  

Dig up soil in advance, introduce phosphorus-potassium fertilizer (1 tablespoon on 1 sq.m) and water. Make bed not less than 20 cm high and seed seeds on depth of 3 cm.  

Cover bed with garden radish film or nonwoven fabric. In addition it is not necessary to mulch something from above.  

Subwinter crops of greens 

The suitable period – the end of October – the middle of November. Towards the winter it is possible to seed fennel, sorrel, parsley.  

Make bed, having mixed top layer of the earth with humus in proportion 2:1. On bottom of grooves of 8-10 cm in depth fill sand and compost. Place seeds and fill up with soil.  

Close beds sawdust, straw or fir twigs. With arrival of winter powder with snow – to landings will be warmer.   

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
