"Pita" - flat cakes which are baked for preparation of an alternative to sandwiches. A stuffing in them it is possible to put any. At first such flat cake is greased with some sauce, and then place inside cutlet or chicken, vegetables, greens and so forth.
"Pita" tastes like a usual house lavash. The flat cake filled with a stuffing can be given to the child in school or to take in office. It is pretty simple to make "Pita" in house conditions. However it is necessary to know some cunnings.
Such ingredients will be necessary for Pitas pastries:
- torments — 350 g;
- vegetable oil — 2 tablespoons;
- salts — 1 h/l;
- boiled water — 200 g.
How to bake
For preparation of "Pita" pour salt into a glass with hot water. In a bowl fill flour. Pour out the added some salt water in flour and add vegetable oil.
Knead dough at first a spoon, and then hands. Put dough in some capacity, cover or a film and leave on a table to have a rest for 10 min.
Divide dough into 8 pieces and roll from everyone a ball. Powder a table with flour or oil.
It is important that in the course of expansion dough didn't stick to a land surface. Flat cake under a rolling pin shouldn't tear. Otherwise when frying it will come out air and the pocket won't turn out.
Roll the first ball in flat cake with a diameter about 16 cm and 3-4 mm thick. Try to make so that flat cake turned out absolutely round. In this case and the pocket will leave accurate and it will be easy to be filled with a stuffing.
Warm a frying pan without oil. Put flat cake on a frying pan and bake it until it isn't reddened. Turn flat cake on other party and wait for a podrumyanivaniye.
Again turn "Pita". At this moment the circle from the test will in the eyes be stratified and will begin to be inflated as a ball. Approximately in 20 sec. turn flat cake again and take it in a frying pan a little. Flat cake has to "be blown off".
Remove "Pita" from a frying pan and cut its edge on the one hand, having opened thus a pocket. In precisely the same way fry and cut off the remained flat cakes.
What can be made a stuffing
Go to far in sauce, filling "Pita" isn't necessary. Otherwise flat cake can razmoknut. If desired to take such sandwich for work, you shouldn't use sauce in general. The stuffing for "Pita" can be prepared, for example, from such ingredients (on two flat cakes cut in half):
- chicken — 150 g;
- paprika — 1 small;
- cucumber — 1 small;
- garlic (at will) — 1 clove;
- egg — 1 piece;
- salad — 4 leaves;
- lemon juice — 10 ml;
- sour cream or mayonnaise — 60 ml;
- vegetable oil, salt, pepper.
Cut chicken thin plates. Slightly beat off each plate and rub with pepper and salt. Fry chicken in a frying pan to a podrumyanivaniye. Cut ready chops with straws.
Pepper to a nastrugayta thin ringlets. Chop a cucumber straws. Mix cutting with chicken. Boil hard boiled egg and clean. Mix a yolk with sour cream. Add lemon juice to a yolk.
Cut white thin plates and add together with a yolk to chicken. Fill all with sour cream. Put in each "Pita" on a salad leaf. Fill flat cakes with a stuffing.