How to make the mathematical test

How to make the mathematical test

Most of students experiences difficulties with delivery of the mathematical analysis. It is difficult to be prepared for this examination, but after all it is real. It is necessary to stock up with patience and diligence only.

It is required to you

  • - list of subjects and questions;
  • - educational literature;
  • - paper, handle.


1. For a start take from the methodologist the program of a course with the list of approximate subjects and questions to examination. Get acquainted with them and divide into groups on the level of your knowledge.

2. Prepare educational literature and abstracts of lectures. It is good to get the book with examples and analysis of solutions of standard tasks of the mathematical analysis. Use only the manuals recommended by the teacher - perhaps, very similar tasks will get to you during passing an examination.

3. Begin preparation with the most difficult for you subjects. Review several examples of tasks of each subject and try to solve a task independently, having compared sy the answer to what it is given in the book. Write out on a leaf of a formula and the scheme of the decision. Do the same with subjects more familiar to you after development of complex material.

4. Further select answers to all theoretical questions, having noted them in manuals or lectures a simple pencil. Try not just to learn actions in theorems, and to penetrate into their essence. Write down the moments, especially difficult for you, on paper.

5. Write out questions which seemed to you unclear, and surely set them to the teacher on consultation before examination.

6. A day before the examination check the list of questions and present the plan of the answer to them, try to remember formulas which are applied in the solution of any given tasks, a proreshayta at least on one examples from each subject. If something causes difficulty in you, repeat a subject.

7. Make small cribs with formulas which you cannot remember.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
