Fragrant and sweet flower pollen is necessary not only for fertilization of plants and food of bees as it is provided by the nature. It comprises so many irreplaceable biologically active agents that can by the right be considered as a life elixir. People long since used and use it for healing from various illnesses.
So, in essence pollen is the men's element of a plant which is responsible for transfer of genetic information, fertilization and preservation of a look. It is in boots of stamens and has to get on pestles (female element) of a flower in which there are ovaries. The nature provided the universal mechanism. Insects, including bees when sit down on a flower, touch stamens and collect pollen, and then involuntarily transfer it to pestles of plants of the same look. Pollen gets to ovaries from which fruits develop subsequently. And already in them the seeds giving life to new plants of the same look ripen. Pollen is also necessary for food of bees who feed with it a uterus and just been born larvae. During the summer one bee family on average consumes about 40 kg of this valuable product. Bees do lumps of friable pollen, mixing it with saliva, carry away them in a beehive and preserve, processing into a perga. However and people use pollen – in the medical purposes. It is irreplaceable at treatment of anemia, for restoration of an organism after operations and heavy physical activities, for strengthening of immunity. The regular use of pollen can help to struggle with a depression, this natural product reduces cholesterol level in blood, arterial blood pressure. And its action much softer, than at medicines. Pollen is applied at treatment of diabetes because it stimulates production of insulin with a pancreas. Also pollen normalizes work of an endocrine system, reduces blood clotting, perfectly fights against a sclerosis and coronary heart disease. It is successfully used as bile-expelling and diuretic, stabilizes activity of a stomach and intestines, enhances potency and working capacity both physical, and intellectual, increases appetite. Take pollen, as a rule, for half an hour to food, on? teaspoon. Before swallowing, it is carefully chewed. High doses are not recommended to be used because in this case the product just will not be acquired by a human body. It is necessary to store pollen in a special way – in the dry cool place, in densely closed glass jar that the active agents which are contained in it did not collapse. Pollen keeps curative properties about a year, then they are gradually lost.