Somersaults are one of fundamentals of artistic gymnastics and acrobatics. Usually these elements forget at school at physical education classes. If you forgot how it is correct to do somersaults back, we will help to remember technology of performance of this Basic Element.
Preparation for performance of somersaults
The somersaults are an exercise during which the trunk revolution through the head on a horizontal surface is made. For the correct execution of this element it is necessary to acquire several aspects which will help to make it correctly and safely.
Answering a question how to learn to do somersaults back, it is necessary to focus attention on group of a body. To be grouped means most densely to pick up knees to a breast, to round a backbone and to bend the head forward. For preparation for such situation it is necessary to do several warm-up exercises for a neck and a back – to stretch cervical vertebras and to make several inclinations forward and back.
How it is correct to learn to do somersaults through the head?
There are several types of group of a body – sitting, lying on a back and in situation having semi-sat down. Before learning to do somersaults, it is necessary to fulfill ways of group first of all. Ease of performance of exercise depends on two factors – groups of a body and speed of a push in the course of performance.
It is necessary to carry out exercise on a mat. A starting position – an emphasis having sat down on edge of a mat. Exercise can be broken into several stages:
- The group of a body – a back to round, densely to press a chin to a breast, to clasp with hands shins of legs.
- Push and rift – it is necessary intensively, but not sharply to make a start legs from a floor and to be rolled on a back. If some legs it is impossible to make a start, then it is possible to help itself hands, having rested them against a floor.
- The revolution – in the course of a rift on a back of a leg needs to be opened, extended and thrown for the head. Hands it is possible to help a trunk for what palms need to rest against a floor.
At the beginning difficult it is correct to beginners to leave somersaults, technology of straightening of legs and restoration of a support is necessary here. But after several trainings this problem disappears.