How to count a cube

How to count a cube

At the solution of technical tasks sometimes it is necessary to count a number cube. The cube in mathematics is meant as the number built in the third degree, that is increased by itself three times. Most simply it can be done by means of the engineering calculator. If there is no such calculator, then it is possible to manage also other means.

It is required to you

  • calculator or computer.


1. Calculation of a cube of number on engineering the kalkulyatoreinzhenerny calculator differs from usual (accounting) in existence of additional buttons and inscriptions for calculation of mathematical functions (sin, cos, etc.). To count a number cube on the engineering calculator, gather at first number. Then find the button designating exponentiation on the calculator keyboard. Usually such button is designated by a letter x (X) and small, located is a little higher, letter y (Y). Press this button, and then the 3 button then press the = button. On the indicator of the calculator the number cube will be displayed.

2. Construction of number in a cube on usual (accounting) kalkulyatorechtoba to count a number cube on the ordinary (accounting) calculator, gather number. Then press the multiplication button (it is designated by "X"). After that gather the cubed number again. Again press the sign "increase". And at last, for the third time gather the same number. Then press the = button. On the indicator of the calculator the number cube will appear.

3. Construction in a cube by means of the OS WindowsChtoby calculator to count a number cube on the computer, use the program calculator. Depending on the operating system installed on the computer and the used software, calculators can differ a little. Let's consider the most widespread Windows OS and the standard calculator. Start the calculator program. For this purpose just press the Start-up button, then "to Execute". In the appeared window gather "calc" and press "Ok".

4. If you do not see buttons with designations of mathematical functions, then switch the calculator to the mode "engineering". For this purpose select a menu item "Look" and note the line "Engineering" in a drop-down list. Type number which needs to be cubed on the keyboard and press the x^3 button. The result immediately will appear on a board of the virtual calculator.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
