Percent show the size of any randomly chosen share in relation to whole. The indicators expressed as a percentage are called relative and have no dimension. At measurement of change of any indicator for several consecutive periods of time happens it is necessary to calculate average value of percentage change for each of these periods.
1. If initial and final absolute values of an indicator which average percent of change should be calculated are given, then at first define the general percent of growth or falling. Divide the received size into amount of the periods, for each of which it is necessary to define average value. For example, if the number of the workers occupied on production for the beginning of last year was equal 351, and for the beginning of the current year grew up to 402, then it is necessary to take number 351 for 100%. The initial indicator for the entire period increased by 402-351=51 that makes 51/351*100≈14.53%. For determination of average percent of growth on months of the last year divide this number into 12: 14.53/12≈1.21%.
2. If the initial value of an indicator and absolute values of its change on the periods are given in basic data, then begin with summation changesof on the periods. Then, as well as in the previous step, determine the size of the received number percentage of a reference value and divide result into amount of the summarized values. For example, if for the beginning of year the number of employees was equal 402, then in January 15 people were accepted in addition, and in February and March it was reduced on 3 workers, then the general change of number in a quarter was 15-3-3=9 or 9/402*100≈2.24%. The average percent of change for every month of the first quarter will be equal to 2.24/3≈0.75%.
3. If change sizes on the periods are given percentage of absolute value for the beginning of every period, then call such percent "difficult". In this case too begin with calculation of change of an indicator for the entire periods, and then divide the received number into amount of the periods. At the same time do not forget about change of weight of each percent for the beginning of the next period. For example, let from statements of the problem it is known that for the first quarter the number of workers grew by 10%, for the second - for 15%, for the third - for 5%, for the fourth - for 8%. Then after the first quarter the number became equal to 100+10=110%, after the second 110+ (110/100*15)=126.5%, after the third 126.5+ (126.5/100*5)=132.825%, after the fourth 132.825+ (132.825/100*8)=143.451%. From this follows that on average in quarters growth was 43.451/4≈10.86%.