At analysis of the offer at first it is necessary to find its basis. Thus the structure of a phrase and also often and where and as it is necessary to place punctuation marks becomes clear. Therefore it is desirable for any person wishing to write competently to be able to define this basis.
1. Define that the grammatical basis represents. Most often it is presented to the subjects expressing an object or a subject of action and the predicates describing action. Such offers are called two compound. Mononuclear the basis becomes in case in it there is no one of two elements.
2. Find a subject in the offer. It has to designate that about whom or about what it is. Also it has to answer the question "who?" or "that?". The subject can be expressed by various parts of speech. Most often this noun standing in the Nominative case. Also subject can be a pronoun, and not only personal, but also uncertain, interrogative or negative. It also has to stand in the Nominative case. If the estimated subject is a part of an inseparable phrase, for example, Ural Mountains, then all phrase becomes a part of a basis of the offer.
3. Allocate a predicate in the analyzed phrase. It has to designate the action made by a subject or over it. Most often this sentence part is expressed to predicates, about in this role also verbal adjectives meet. The predicate has to be agreed with a subject in the person, number and a sort.
4. When performing a written task emphasize a subject of one, and a predicate - two lines.
5. When finding several subjects and predicates analyze sentence structure. If you see before yourself two and more independent sentence parts in the semantic plan of a combination, then it is about a compound sentence with coordinating or subordinative communication. In case several predicates belong to one subject and vice versa, then before you a simple sentence with an expanded basis. However such repeating elements all the same have to connect the union "and" or be divided by commas.