How to distinguish ammonium nitrate

How to distinguish ammonium nitrate

Life situations are different, and circumstances when it is necessary to define and distinguish reagents, solutions in test tubes which are absolutely identical on color and a smell often take place. It can be necessary for practical work, laboratory trial or just out of curiosity. But whatever roused you to an experiment, it is necessary to have nevertheless some knowledge of chemistry and to be able to put them into practice.

It is required to you

  • clean test tubes in number of two pieces, substance which name needs to be defined, sodium hydroxide and nitrate of silver.


1. Put on gloves and a cotton and gauze bandage. Remember that the safety measures during the work with chemicals are very important as it is possible not only to get burns, but also other skin injuries or injuries of airways.

2. Take substance which name needs to be defined. Pour in a little substance in one test tube and a little in the second. Will be to fill flasks half enough.

3. Install test tubes with substance on the special holder. Take one of test tubes and add to it sodium hydroxide solution.

4. A few contents of a test tube also bring Vzboltnite to a nose. If the specific smell reminding itself that which is used at reduction of the person in feelings in case of consciousness loss that is a liquid ammonia smell proceeds from a test tube – in a test tube ammonium nitrate as there was an interaction reaction was poured. Ammonium salts under the influence of alkali decayed to ammonia (the flying gaseous substance having an urea smell).

5. Take the second test tube and nitrate of silver. Add nitrate to a test tube with substance which needs to be defined and shake up it a little.

6. Install a test tube on the holder and watch chemical reaction. As are a part of nitrate of ammonium chloride ions, in interaction with the added solution of nitrate of silver the white deposit similar by the form to soap solution will drop out, that is the silver chloride deposit will drop out. If such deposit appeared and color in a test tube became saturated-white, substance which was offered for an experiment – ammonium nitrate means.

7. Except the specified two ways, the concentrated alkali can also define ammonium by addition and heating in the subsequent. In this situation ammonium will also allocate a pungent smell – ammonia.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
