Many people a long time combat a mold in cellars and cellars. To cope with this problem, it is not enough to use special means as it is important to correct the prime cause.
Experts do not recommend to leave a fungus in the place where products are stored and at least from time to time there is a person as the mold in the course of activity emits substances, harmful to an organism, which can provoke development in an organism of different serious diseases.
How to get rid of a fungus in a cellar?
The special service can cope with this problem, but also there are means which everyone can use. To understand what to begin fight against a mold with, we will understand the reasons of its emergence. There are several points which can provoke development of a mold:
- air temperature is more than 20 degrees;
- humidity more than 90%;
- low insulation of walls;
- bad waterproofing.
To begin creation of the plan how to get rid of a fungus in the subfield, follows from premeditation of effective ventilation. Then it is necessary to provide the maximum waterproofing of the base. To achieve good results, it is recommended to develop a detailed plan of actions.
The instruction how to get rid of a fungus in a cellar of a garage or the house:
- Define the reason from behind which the mold appeared, and eliminate it.
- Calculate, how deeply infection got into walls. If you want the mold to do not disturb any more, then be ready to remove wall-paper and plaster. Use a rigid brush which needs to walk in the struck places.
- At the next stage it is necessary to apply the cleaning means which promote removal of a film and disclosure of a time.
- The following step in the plan how to get rid of a fungus in a house cellar – use of special powder which needs to be dissolved in water. It is important to process liquid not only affected areas, but also other territory.
- Now it was necessary to bring walls into a normal look. Apply on them primer of deep penetration, and then waterproofing structure which needs to be prepared according to the instruction on packing. The following step – repeated priming of walls. It was necessary only to apply hard putty, to progruntovat once again and it is possible to glue wall-paper or to paint.
How to get rid in a cellar of a white and blue fungus – reliable tools
Our ancestors for disposal of a mold used lime and copper vitriol. Let's consider several popular recipes:
- Take by one part of chloric and extinguished lime and part them in a small amount of water. Properly mix everything and the received mix carefully process affected areas of a cellar.
- Take two containers, in one part 100 g of copper vitriol, and in another – 1 kg of extinguished lime. Mix everything and mix two prepared solutions, pouring in lime a squirt in kuporosny solution. Properly mix everything and process the room.
How to get rid of a mold and a fungus in a cellar – other reliable tools
Other not less effective techniques also will help to cope with this problem.
Use of chlorine-containing substances. The most available powerful structure – Whiteness. It is necessary to prepare the concentrated solution and to process it all room.
Use of a sulfuric cap. For the period of holding a procedure it is impossible to come into the room within several days. Buy a sulfuric cap, singe it in a bucket or other capacity and leave in the cellar at several o'clock.
Use of a torch. It is necessary to get a special torch by means of which affected areas are processed. The procedure yields temporary result before elimination of the primary source.