The exercise bike - what muscles work?

The exercise bike - what muscles work?

Recently many people suffer because of a hypodynamia – the lowered physical activity. Really, a large number of convenient and pleasant things, such as elevator or washing machine, strongly facilitate life – but at the same time and reduce muscular loading. It leads to violation of a bearing, emergence of extra kilos and weakening of an organism in general. Therefore the modern person, wishing to keep and strengthen health, has to work out.

One of the best options in this regard is, certainly, trainings on exercise machines. They are very good both for weight reduction, and for formation of a body, and for strengthening of heart and vessels.

The exercise bike – one of the most effective devices for trainings. Concerning complex impact on muscles it concedes only to the racetrack.

What muscles work when driving on the exercise bike?

There is a lot of them, and all of them are important for human health. When performing ordinary exercises on the ordinary exercise bike the same departments are involved, as when driving by the real bicycle or performance of exercise "bicycle": what muscles work, it is easy to define most. These are those which hurt after the training.

Mainly, muscles of legs participate in a training that, in general, and so obviously. These are buttock, gastrocnemius muscles and muscles of a front surface of a hip. Some loading gets also to hands. As average it is possible to estimate load of a press and a back as they participate in maintenance of a correct posture during the training.

What muscles work on the bicycle exercise machine in a standing position?

If the person, training, rises to the feet moreover and will put the maximum load, then it will correspond to rise on the abrupt mountain. Loading will increase by legs (front and back surface of a hip and calves) repeatedly. But the training and for muscles of buttocks and also a back and a press will become much more effective, and both direct, and oblique muscles will be involved.

If there are problems with a back or knees, then it is better to use the horizontal exercise bike; what muscles work at occupations on it?

In fact, the same: calves, hips, buttocks, press. Back muscles are almost not involved. The horizontal exercise bike is created especially for rehabilitation of patients with violations of the musculoskeletal device and for cores and hypertensive persons. From what it is clear that loading on such exercise bike will be more sparing. Means, such exercise machine well will suit unexercised people or those who have chronic diseases. But if the person is young, vigorous and healthy, loading can seem rather weak. Besides, such exercise machine is much more expensive and figures prominently.

But after all, probably, the main thing for what the exercise bike is necessary and what muscles work during the occupations, first of all is a cardiac muscle. It is created for a cardiotraining, that is for strengthening of a cardiovascular system and weight reduction. The main component of occupations is an aerobic loading. At it within 20-25 minutes it is necessary to twist pedals at a comfortable speed. At the same time supply of fabrics with oxygen increases, and heart trains. If there are such opportunity and desire to train the endurance, then few times in a week it is necessary to add a training at faster speed within an hour or a little smaller time.

For persons interested to lose weight and pump up muscles there are so-called anaerobic loadings. It is the maximum load at the maximum speed within half-minute - minute. At this time there is a combustion of fat without oxygen participation. It is better to combine aerobic and anaerobic loadings.

Now it is clear for what the exercise bike and what muscles work on it is necessary, it is time to choose suitable model and to begin trainings.


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
