Why Carthage was destroyed

Why Carthage was destroyed

Centuries-old history saw falling of many cities, states, disappearance of ancient civilizations. Many countries carefully preserve today the ruins which remained for a long time – reminders on former power, tell the world a story of formation of the state, a legend of the sign cities such as, for example, Carthage.

The tourists visiting Tunisia in the majority have heard a lot about stories of the ancient state which was located in the territory of modern. Ruins of Carthage favourite place of photographers, historians, researchers.


Carthage was the city-state. Because of the good location he had extensive sea commercial relations, did active foreign policy, business. Its Mediterranean seaport was the best at that time, and the army trained in military science at the land and at water was really strong and unique therefore, having won a significant amount of the lands of the Mediterranean, Carthage turned into the powerful empire. Thereby creating the strongest competition of the Roman Empire which was simply forced to reckon with interests and plans of the western neighbor.

Falling of Carthage for historians of a riddle does not represent, moreover, disappearance of this powerful city-state more likely regularity. Throughout centuries the governors of Carthage felt force and power of the state, conducting adequate policy inside, constraining a tax burden and writing out indulgences to merchants and handicraftsmen, they were very impudent and careless in relation to neighbors. Active sea expansion, imposing of the laws, infringement of foreign dealers, and unwillingness to fulfill the obligations to other states quite often led to military collisions. The state became weaker and weaker, giving the lion's share of means of army which before falling of Carthage suffered two last centuries a defeat behind defeat, but kept at the same time its territorial integrity.

Carthage must be destroyed!

Several times the Roman Empire tried to win and destroy Carthage. Romans managed to win two battles and it seemed that nobody will be able already to resist to the increasing its power, but Carthaginians cunning enticed strangers for walls of the city and again occupied defense. The third and decisive attack threatened Carthage with loss of statehood. The Carthago people desperately battled and protected the city. Three years lasted opposition. Rome suggested the opponent to be given and free the city, but residents of Carthage trusted in the forces and defended the state up to the end. As a result Carthage finally got beaten in 146 BC. The remained few population was sold in slavery, and the city is completely destroyed. According to many historians, even houses and structures of once powerful city inspired fear in Romans, and reminded the Roman governors of the state rival which was not given up to the end. During the board Julius Caesar wanted to construct colony in the territory of the former Carthage. But the idea was fated to be realized only after his death. Colonial lands became populated long and reluctantly, the territory of once powerful state was some more centuries thin, full settling of lands of the former Carthage happened only in the 16th century.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
