To create the corresponding mood during the party or holiday, it is necessary not only to think up the program and treat, but also to decorate the room. If ordinary balls and the signs "Happy birthday" not for you, dream up and make some efforts for obtaining the necessary result.
1. Create interior in sea style. Decorate window under window, for this purpose it is necessary to make false-panels and to paint them in white color. Instead of bed it is possible to arrange berth in the form of shkonka. To add exotic, pull on ceiling or along wall fishing net (it is desirable not being in the use) and decorate with her simplified skeletons of fishes cut from plywood. Also you can stretch ropes along walls, knot on them, they do not bear any functional loading, and are only decor elements. On shelves it is possible to place models of the ships, on walls to hang clock (or barometer) in the form of steering wheel or compass.
2. Issue the room in style of Hollywood of the 30th years. For this purpose in interior use the minimum quantity of flowers, it is desirable to shade beige, dairy or light caramel black or coffee. Place on walls the unpacked black-and-white personnel from movies with Mirna La, Greta Garbo, Hedy Lammar, they can be issued in the form of movie pieces. Try to choose laconic objects of decor for interior. Furniture also should not be motley therefore it can be covered with light covers.
3. Think where during the travel it was pleasant to you most of all or where you would like to visit. Decorate the room with the elements connected with this place, flags, the coats of arms, souvenirs and other for this purpose will approach. For example, if you adore Sicily why not to hang up the photo of streets of Palermo, to decorate window with florid fence and to put on windowsill of color in pots. By means of photowall-paper it is possible to stylize walls under gray and ochry stone from which many ancient buildings of this city are laid out, and even to attach to one of them sun blind with horizontal levels for imitation of typical Italian window. Perhaps, you will even hang out linen on rope behind it.