Ideas of decencies, of that, properly to behave that it is admissible in society or in the family circle and that – no, changed very often. They are closely connected with moral standards which also did not remain invariable. Besides the different people also had these norms and continue to remain different. For example, absolutely normal, natural behavior of the expansive southerner (the Spaniard, the Italian, the Greek) can just shock the inhabitant of northern Europe. And vice versa.
1. There is a characteristic example: the person was invited to a party where the cheerful company will gather, and, the most part of attendees will be unfamiliar to him. How does he have to behave to observe the proprieties? Entering the room, politely greet all attendees. At the same time the voice should not sound is too loud (as it can be apprehended as bad manners, forwardness), is too silent.
2. It is not necessary to draw at once attention to itself, especially to interrupt other people, getting into conversation. In general, it is necessary to show consideration for the choice of the topic of conversation very much. It is considered indecent to speak about diseases, tragedies or about other unpleasant things.
3. At the same time it is not necessary to speak long about himself and also to argue on subjects which are obviously unclear or uninteresting to most of attendees. To argue inadmissibly, especially, passing to raised tone even if reasonings of the opponent seem to you frankly silly, ridiculous.
4. With one and all guests behave politely, delicately. Try to show a special step to women and elderly people.
5. Let's assume, you have very good voice and hearing or you perfectly play musical instruments. All the same you should not show the talents without invitation. And here if you about it are asked by the owner or the hostess – here, as they say, God ordered. Show the art and enjoy a deserved applause.
6. Certainly, at a table it is necessary to behave, following the standard rules etiquette. If the woman sits next – flirt behind her (for example, filling her glass, transferring dishes, etc.).
7. Even if you the smoker with an experience, remember what can be smoked in others house only with the permission of owners. And only in that place which they especially for it will allocate, for example, on a balcony. And it is better to refrain in general from smoking, among invited there can be people to whom it becomes bad from a tobacco smell.
8. If you for any reason have to leave the house before other guests – in brief explain it to owners, apologize for early leaving and thank for good pastime.