There are some ways in psychology telling how to influence people who it is possible to use to win over the opponent. It is not similar to hypnosis as suggestion goes absolutely unostentatiously, and the person does everything kind of voluntarily.
10 psychological cunnings how to influence people
It is important to notice that any of the offered methods cannot do much harm to other person.
Psychological cunnings:
- Ask the interlocutor to make favor. This way still is called Benjamin Franklin's effect. The person will make something much more willingly if to ask it for him, but not to demand.
- Speaking about the requests, to a thicket call the interlocutor by name. Psychologists proved that the name for the person is one of the most pleasant words for hearing, and it will cause in it only positive emotions.
- You ask from other person to make more, than in fact it is necessary. In that case the maximum can and be not reached, but what is necessary, you receive.
- Flattery – the known psychological cunning in communication. In this question it is important not to go too far as deception can be noticeable and it will only aggravate a problem.
- To subordinate himself the person, try to copy others behavior, a mimicry, gestures, etc. People are very located to those who are similar to them.
- The effective technique allowing to win over the person is based also on repetition, but not actions, and the words of the interlocutor. Attentively listen that was told by the person, and then, repeat the same, but only by the own words. It will allow to come into friendly contact.
- Psychologists recommend to use fatigue of the opponent who in such state perceives the words of other person much better.
- Construct the request so that the interlocutor could not answer in the negative. Psychologists ask to begin with small and only then to pass to the most important request. It is important that between addresses passed at least 2-3 days as it will look everything it too persuasive.
- Saying about how to influence mentality of the person, it is important to tell about such rule – be able to listen to others and then you will be heard. Important during the conversation to understand why the person made such act and what he at the same time experienced emotions. It will allow to prove in case of need to it that he is not right, without having imposed the opinion. Begin with consent and only then you take the offensive.
- Use a head nod which is consent gesture. In a conversation it will allow the interlocutor to feel that agree with it, and he tells the truth. This cunning will allow to convince the interlocutor of the correctness in the future.