Already name of this form of behavior speaks about discrepancy. Often it is difficult to understand and distinguish it. First of all, it is necessary to study two of its components which will help to deal with their compatibility with expression of anger.
Several values – not acting and not resisting have the words "passive".
Passive aggression is behavior to which the person gives in, that going against itself. The passive behavior says that the person is ready to refuse from only it praised. People in whom such behavior is inherent often refuse expression of the opinion in order to avoid criticism.
Passive aggression is often shown also at men. Thus, the behavior saying that there is no desire to do what is expected by people around is shown.
How to struggle with passive and aggressive behavior?
Author of the book "Evil smile: the psychology of passive and aggressive behavior in family and at work" Signe Whitson suggests to use strategy which will answer a question how to resist to passive aggression:
- In advance to distinguish the signs indicating passive and aggressive behavior: silence, ignoring, unwillingness to discuss a problem.
- Not to give in on provocation as it is in the plans of a passive aggressor – to enrage. If there is a feeling that the rage just about will flash, it is necessary to express a negative in quietly form.
- To point to the anger felt by a passive aggressor – such people often prefer to ignore this emotion.
- To reciprocate on resistance. The aggressor wants to see the external manifestation of anger disappearing deeply inside. As soon as presence of emotions becomes obvious, the passive aggressor will begin to deny it.
These four main criteria how to get rid of passive aggression.