That pleasant to write to the guy

That pleasant to write to the guy

Probably, the feeling when after the appointment with the guy there is a light innuendo is familiar to many girls. Just there is desire to continue communication, if not in reality, then by means of the Internet or phone. If you want to tell it still something well very pleasant and gentle, not to a muchta of and make as heart orders to you.

Whether it is possible to write the guy of the first?

If you already entered into the romantic relations with the guy, then you to write in full authority to it the first. Of course, too it is impossible to be too persuasive. Here the main thing to know when to stop.

When the relations are at the very first stage, young people often hesitate to write each other. Actually, the innocent message will not represent you in unfavourable light in any way. On the contrary, you will show to the beloved that too are interested in communication. Especially, many guys are attracted by girls who are capable to take the first step.

What to write to the favourite guy?

Rise of the letter is most heavier given. Many girls cannot long think up how to address the guy or in what occasion to write. Really depends on the beginning of a conversation, your conversation will be started or not. Especially, it concerns girls who did not enter the relations with the addressee of the letter yet. So, think up the address. If it is your guy, call him "favourite" or "native", let he through the message will feel what heat you to it handle. If you are already very close, safely use an adjective "desired". It is possible to write the guy anything. Present from what words it would be pleasant to you? Write it what you feel at present. Let knows that it is expensive to you. If your elect it is far from you, write that strongly you miss that you lack his caress, care. Tell how you dream to touch to his hair, lips, etc. It is necessary to try to transfer in such letter to darling feeling of heat and a cosiness which he will get on arrival home. Having read your letter, he has to want to see you even more. After another appointment it is possible to poflirtovat just a little with darling. If your relations already quite far came, can write about the sexual fantasies. It is unlikely there will be a young man who will not like to read such passions. If your relations only began to develop, try to write on those topics by which he is interested. Praise him for something, write what to you very much is pleasant to its hobby or something similar. You can discuss with him favourite movies, at the same time you learn about him a little more. He can also send sometimes simple short SMS, for example "good morning, a hare", "sweet dreams", "wake up, the sun", etc. Such the message every time will be reminded him at you and to raise a warm smile on his face. That you decided to write to the guy, write sincerely. He will surely feel it and will reciprocate to you.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
