What is felt by the man who loves two women

What is felt by the man who loves two women

This question most often volnt women who know about existence of the competitor, but for any reasons are reconciled with it and continue the relations with such man. Interests women that is created at the man's heart at double love and what it can lead to.

Revelations of group of men who agreed to be sincere, told about situations which were in their life. Their thoughts and experiences at that time will help to see the reasons of emergence of the second love.

Each woman at present only

The man is constantly forgotten, being from one beloved, with another. He is so in love with each woman that at a meeting is given to the love completely, to him it is very good with both. Sometimes in life there comes the enlightenment, and it is tormented by conscience, but he cannot make a choice. As a rule, such relations come to an end with separation from both passions as the triple relations do not suit women, and to their patience the end comes.

The man amuses the vanity

Men on the poligamna nature, and to them it is often very heavy to be loyal only to one partner, and if both women are selflessly in love and cajole the beloved from all directions, then the man relaxes and enjoys life. He is proud of himself that can satisfy both that all exactly and nobody about guesses. Brags to friends that he's fine.

Soul hurts, and the conscience torments

Properties of human nature are boundless and are not always explainable. Really, there are sometimes situations that the person is in love with two equally at once. There are conscientious men who understand that it is wrong, and constantly feel shame and fault that they deceive both. And these feelings do not bring it joy of life. Being with one woman, he constantly thinks of another, of how she is lonelyshe is lonely now and as to her it will be bad if she learns everything. Such relations cannot be long, sooner or later the depressive and angry condition of the man will not become appropriate, it is impossible to live constantly in a negative which besides is transferred to women.

Will leave more favorable option

In this case the man approaches the relations from the practical point of view if there was such situation and option is necessary, then the male will remain where to it is more convenient and more comfortable. In this situation the woman should prove that she the best, and, perhaps, even to fight for the beloved. In the course of the relations at the man the personal preferences to each passion (sex, a figure, a material state, personal qualities, culinary abilities) are anyway formed, and, having compared them, he will make the choice.

The wife – the fighting girlfriend, the mistress – a muse

In this situation the man does not leave family, and brings the mistress on the party. He in own way loves each woman. A lot of things connect with his wife: for many years lives, children, the barriers together passed and the solved problems. The husband very much respects the wife, she for him the colleague and support in everything. They have a measured life: the family cosiness, the ironed-out collars, a tasty lunch, but passion ceases through these for many years. And when the man meets younger, carefree, sexy woman in life, he cannot refuse to himself this temptation. For it there comes the life full of emotions, at the moment it has everything. Perhaps, initially he feels guilty before the wife, but generally wise women of mature age "forgive" husbands and allow them life on the party. Such women just do not want to pull down family, to upset children and to change something in the life. Therefore over time such relations become norm for this love triangle.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
