A game of self-knowledge and an enlightenment or how to play Lila

A game of self-knowledge and an enlightenment or how to play Lila

Today you will surprise with a variety of board games nobody any more. Various monopolies, managers, dzheng, a lotto and dominoes became some kind of legislators of this type of entertainments. Nevertheless, periodically and here novelties appear. Lila — a self-knowledge game as her producer positions, promises to present unforgettable impressions. Let's get acquainted with it closer and we learn in what the point of a game from where it to us came consists and whether it is really so interesting.

What is it?

Lila definitely is something new in the world of board games. Sometimes it seems, as a game her to call difficult. It is some kind of guide in knowledge of, the nature and essence and also an opportunity to give answers to the questions concerning the person.

Important! Playing Lila, it is possible to reach a certain harmony with itself and an inner self, to find a way out of the developed life situation.

Many people ask questions: What to do?, Why it happens to me?, Why nothing is impossible?. This board game will help to be analysed with problems directly by means of a cube and the game field. Each player will interpret in own way field cages to which it will be sent by destiny.

Game history

The history of origin of a game roots reaches for ancient India. Exact date of its origin to call difficult, so it is old. But the first mentions of a game occur in 1980 in the book Harish Johari. The concept of philosophy formed a basis for this entertainment poured, that is observation of the regularities occurring in life is accidental. Poured literal translation of the term from Sanskrit game or carrying out time means. And the very first name — Dzhnyana-chaupada that is translated as a play of knowledge.

It is also possible to reach self-knowledge about the help of Sufi practice.

According to the producer of a game, Lila Saints from the past who looked for a key to an enlightenment and taught the principles of the Dharma and fundamentals of Hinduism invented. Points of a game board communicate with each other arrows and snakes and form themselves the main 72 plans of life which are fundamental in the Veda and Puranakh. In the course of the game the people move on cages, each of which displays internal state of soul. Therefore, being on one of cages, the player compares its value with the everyday interests and begins to realize the undercover meaning of this field. As a result step by step not only the mind and intelligence is connected to a game, and, above all — I the participant. Creators Lila saw in her a way to development own I and I absolute. And set as a main goal of a game release of the person from all material.


The board game Lila consists of two components: game field and bones. They as a result have to ennoble the person over the ordinary benefits and set thinking on eternal values.

Game field

The game field is founded on the main principles of numerology. It is issued in the form of the correct rectangle consisting of eight rows across from below up.

Important! The eight is chosen not just like that, it means Universe number in Hinduism.

Down boards are also located ranks, their of everything nine as number of the highest consciousness. As a result the player has to pass eight material elements and rise to Absolute number, by the highest 9 level. Each number of usual numbers comes to an end with this figure, thus, doing by 9 number of completeness. From this it follows that the field of a space game consists of 72 squares which in the sum also give nine.

Each row means a certain sphere of existence or state of mind:

  • The 1st row — life bases;
  • The 2nd row — the world of imagination;
  • The 3rd row — the sphere of a karma;
  • The 4th row — equilibrium state;
  • The 5th row — opening of;
  • The 6th row — the repentance period;
  • The 7th row — reality;
  • The 8th row — the level of gods.


The game cube in this case as an element of chance is chosen not just like that. Its purpose is to show to participants that all events in the course of the game are just not accidental, and are natural. A game is intended to show to the person that all in his hands, and having understood itself, it is possible to find answers to all concerning questions. By means of bones, and is more true than values which they show, the player moves on cages of the field and tries to understand himself. Bones are executed in a traditional six-sided form with numbers from 1 to 6.

Bhagavad Gita as wisdom and monument to religious philosophical thought.

Basic rules and point of a game

Before starting development Lila, it is necessary to study rules of the game. It is necessary to begin with specifically formulated question. It can be, for example, definition of the mission or purpose in life. It is necessary to state a request correctly: it has to be concrete, invariable and relevant at the moment. There are four attributes used in a game: game cube, board, comments on each field, any subject of the player. All participants start from field 68, throwing in turn a cube from left to right.

Important! Return to the 68th number is considered the purpose of a game. It is the end of the game as a result of which participants have to understand value of each field, in snakes and arrows, and it is correct to apply them to the life.

For an entrance to a game on bones it is necessary to throw out 6, after that to pass to a cage birth and then the illusion field. Till that time until on a cube the six appears, the player is considered not given birth and remains on a cage 68. In case the participant gets to the beginning of an arrow, he moves to its tip. If the player has a cage from a-headed snake, then it is necessary to go down in her tail. These are some kind of metaphors: the egoism provokes anger, and the spiritual fidelity uplifts to space consciousness. To draw certain conclusions after the game, it is recommended to remember the way in a board and to analyze all symbols. It will help to establish connection between the worlds and thus to learn itself.

Life game: description of a game board

Having studied rules of the game Poured, further it is necessary to study the description of its fields. Above we already considered the principle of creation of a board, vertical and horizontal rows which in the sum give 72 cages. Let's look now what is meant by these numbers from 1 to 72.

The first row

The 1st row Lila are bases of life. It consists of nine cages:

  • The birth (1) is the beginning of the beginnings, an entrance to Samsara.
  • The Maya (2) or illusion as hide-and-seek, it can show the real face of the person or give it for other personality. This cage is placed on a tail of the Snake of Darkness.
  • Anger (3). Not for nothing this feeling is placed at number 3 which symbolizes dynamics. However it can be both positive, and negative. Being on a tail of the Snake of Egoism, the anger nullifies all achievements and lowers on the bottom.
  • Greed (4). Material enrichment is true desire of the player. Even having everything, the person remains dissatisfied and devastated. But as in any philosophy, the party has two medals, and in this case greed can be aimed at development of new knowledge, gaining experience which will go to the benefit.

Whether you know? The very first board game is considered Senet from ancient Egypt. It contains more than 5500 years.

  • Physical plan (5). The most terrestrial plan connected with the material and corporal benefits. Until the player solves problems of this plan, above it will never rise.
  • The mistake (6) or dependence which eclipses eyes to the player and gives opportunities to see an essence only. Being in this field, people do not stop suffering from greed and anger.
  • Vanity (7). Self-deception, pride from what the person has. Is a consequence of bad communication and the wrong desires. The seven is characteristic of such types of persons as artists or other creative people who often are in illusion of unfulfilled hopes.
  • Greed (8). Desire to have all that the neighbor has. Is generation of envy. To get rid of this feeling, it is necessary to learn an essence of things and their true value, but not material.
  • The sensual plan (9) symbolizes completeness and superiority. The first row of a game comes to an end with this figure.

The second row

The second row is called the sphere of imagination and includes fields:

  • Clarification (10). From this field it is possible to move automatically to number 23 to the heavenly plan as after disposal of terrestrial energy of people thinks of clarification of a body.
  • Entertainments (11). Here get after clarification, being filled with joy, feeling of harmony, having got rid of material cares.
  • Envy (12). Such low feeling lowers the player on a cage 8.
  • Uselessness (13) — hover between heaven and earth. Feeling it arises from diffidence and the forces, instability in life. Only having filled up power stocks of an organism, it is possible to move to the following level.

Feel an enlightenment by means of a samadha and a tantra.

  • Astral plan (14). At this stage the player begins to understand that life does not consist only in material benefits, and is something brighter and creative.
  • Plan of imagination (15). It is the world of a fantasy where there are unlimited opportunities which the participant at last begins to realize.
  • Jealousy (16). The player automatically passes in the field 4 as the uncertainty generates in him doubts and mistrust. To understand a problem root, it anew needs to pass the first level.
  • Sympathy (17). The quality which is given not to everyone therefore from here it is possible to tower on number 69 at once and to approach the finish.
  • Plan of joy (18). Exactly here the feeling of satisfaction and preparation for the third stage of a travel comes.

The third row

In the third row the karma of the person which consists of such fields is considered:

  • Plan of a karma (19). In this field the world of imagination gives way to reality and the law of a karma when you understand that in this life it is necessary to pay for everything.
  • Charity (20). Transfers to number 32, saving from chains of the third chakra.
  • Atonement (21). Time of correction of mistakes and repentance.
  • The plan of the Dharma (22) is an awareness of the principle on which the chaotic world turns into harmony. Here those who overcame the lower plans get.
  • Heavenly plan (23). Here thinking prevails, the image of paradise is visible and the aspiration to an enlightenment is shown.
  • Bad company (24). Lowers on the 7th field.
  • Good company (25). In this community there live people who help each other. They develop in themselves quality of sympathy for transition to the highest levels.
  • The grief (26) is shown from understanding that it is impossible to reach the Divine.
  • Dedicated service (27). From there is an opportunity to be transferred to number 41.

Whether you know? The longest board game in the world The Campaign for North Africa is considered. It is necessary to spend one thousand hours for its passing that is equated by 42 days of a game without interruption.

The fourth row

The 4th row Lila is devoted to achievement of balance. It consists of such nine fields:

  • The true religiousness (28) — uplifts on number 50 and means life in harmony with itself and the world around.
  • Not righteousness, immorality (29) — lowers by figure 6 as the person lives without belief, goes astray and cannot find the vital purpose.
  • Good trends (30) or achievement of balance, the movement in harmony.
  • Plan of sanctity (31). The player tries to find a divine essence in this point in all that surrounds him.
  • Plan of balance (32). The eminence over everyday problems: desires, thoughts.
  • Plan of aromas (33). Taste of divine smells during meditation.
  • Plan of taste (34). In this point there is a thinning of taste, preferences in food, music, communication change.
  • Purgatory (35). There is a clarification from all insignificant and transitory and preparation for the fifth level of education.
  • Clarity of consciousness (36). All doubts clear up, the player becomes clean.

Fifth row

To a fifth row of people has to become by itself and pass such cages:

  • Dzhnyana (37) is the correct way to release. There are things which still distract mind, but the player knows that they can be overcome.
  • Prana-loka (38). In this point of people finds vital force.
  • Apana-loka (39). The player learns to support the power streams in harmony by means of different the practician.
  • Vyana-loka (40) — the correct distribution of energy on all body.
  • Human plan (41). In this field there is an opening of chakra of exercises when the person feels need for communication with other people for transfer of experience.
  • Agni (42) plan — knowledge and love and sense of security.
  • Birth of the person (43).
  • Ignorance (44). Getting here, it is possible to fall by the 9th.
  • The correct knowledge (45) instantly ennobles to one step from the finish on 67.

Whether you know? The biggest collection of board games in number of 20 thousand was collected by Ken Fonarov.

Sixth row

After understanding of in a fifth row, the 6th row is responsible for repentance and suggests to overcome the following 9 cages:

  • Differences (46). Here force which helps the player to get rid of material desires prevails.
  • Plan of neutrality (47). It is impossible to stand aside, it is always necessary to strive for perfection.
  • The solar plan (48) — harmonious connection of two beginnings: men's and women's.
  • The lunar plan (49) is a source of female power. Men have an understanding of the female principle.
  • The plan of asceticism (50) — meditations, renunciation of everything, repentance.
  • The earth (51) is awareness of importance of the earth and all that it gives us for life.
  • Plan of violence (52). Transition of the course on 35.
  • Plan of liquids (53). Got on this cage an opportunity to become contrast of the ego opens.
  • Plan of spiritual devotion (54). From this cage move to the finish to number 68. The game is over. The person is considered brightened up by the truth that The love is God, and God and network love.

Seventh row

A penultimate number of self-knowledge — reality. Here players realize such positions:

  • Egoism (55) — concentration of the person on and the desires.
  • Plan of initial vibrations (56). Everything in the world is subordinated to vibrations.
  • Plan of gases (57). In this chakra the participant understands that he is already burdened by nothing and has a free hand.
  • Plan of shine (58). Reaching this cage on a board, the person understands that itself(himself) it lights up the whole world.
  • The plan of reality (59) — stay in the ocean of pleasure.
  • Positive intelligence (60). Helps to keep all positive experience.
  • Negative intelligence (61). Negative consciousness tries to return the player on the lower chakras.
  • Happiness (62). True happiness opens only that who can keep balance and not stumble at approach to the purpose.
  • Tamas (63) or Darkness. From here move down on number 2.

Eighth row

The last number of an enlightenment — the eighth also sounds it Gods:

  • Phenomenal plan (64). An opportunity to see that it lies not on a surface opens.
  • Plan of an internal scope (65). Here the player turns into a clean crystal which can pass light.
  • Plan of pleasure (66). Having found wisdom and having reached self-realization, it is possible to comprehend pleasure.
  • Plan of the space benefit (67). The last step which needs to be comprehended before ending a game.
  • Space consciousness (68) — achievement of the goal of a game, full self-knowledge.
  • Plan of the absolute (69).
  • Sattvaguna (70).
  • Radzhoguna (71).
  • Tamoguna (72).

Learn how to meditate for recuperation and whether it is possible to clean a karma in house conditions.

Feelings after the game

As well as in any business, in this game there are two parties, and people disagree concerning usefulness of participation in a similar action. For some players Lila is some kind of view from outside of herself, the behavior and the attitude towards about what you ask a game. She really helps to give answers to many questions if to treat it seriously. They say that it is possible to see clearly things which disturb in achievement of the goals. Others are sure that it is waste of time as results of a game can be interpreted in own way and to give them different sense without obtaining practical benefit. Having studied all rules of the game, having read responses of real participants, everyone can independently solve whether similar experience will be interesting to it. Anyway behind the back not to carry experience and whatever it was — it is all the same result.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
